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Long time no Blog



Well, it's been a while since I have been here. I just have felt scattered. Two of Hans' recent surgeries have been on his right great toe. The first one was mid September. When we went back to the surgeon for a check on December 5th, he began talking amputation. We have done several pressure checks since the last surgery to put in stents in the leg to keep the artery open. His pressure is still very low in his feet. The doctor told us that we were looking at amputation just below the knee because of the danger of gangrene or blood poisoning. When we got home, Hans and I "talked" about it. I talk and he listens - nods or shakes his head to let me know what he is thinking. I just did not feel like amputation was right for him. I suggested we begin to pray about it. We did and spent the better part of the next two days praying for healing in the toe. When I was bathing his feet on the third day, all the gray dead looking stuff and the white flaky mess just came off in the wash cloth and there was the most beautiful sight in the world right there on his toe. It was pink skin. All smooth and beautiful. We go back on the 6th of January and I can hardly wait to see the expression on Dr. Sullivan's face when he sees it. We are just praising God for his miracle of healing. He is the Great Physician.


I ask for a miracle, got it and was amazed. Why do I do that?? I KNOW God is able but I still am amazed when He does what He says He will and can do.


Hans and I went today to Mesquite - about 45 miles from home - to have our Van serviced - the power ramp and door part of it. They did it all in about 45 minutes and I was expecting to have to pay about $75.00 for the service on it but they did not charge us anything. Priase the Lord. It rained all the way there and back on us but we need the rain so badly that I did not mind at all. We stopped at a Luby's for lunch and decided that that treat would be our Christmas to each other. We don't eat out much any more. Hans really enjoyed it and we agreed that we needed to do that more often. Then we got hair cuts. We either had to do that or go to the vet and get rabies shots and wear our tags around our necks. We were SHAGGY. I really get scragly looking when my hair is too long to be worn short and too short to be worn long. I was there.


Well, the magic time is over and now it's back to the laundry and cooking supper. Um - homemade beef vegetable soup for supper with cornbread. Even though it is cold and rainy here, we have to have iced tea with that.


Later - - -




Recommended Comments

Oh, what wonderful news!


If you're serving cornbread you're having "sweet" tea. That;s what it's called here in Florida where there are southerners who aren't converted northerners. It's served just like water and is in the price of the meal at almost all restaurants that aren't fast food, buffets or chains. Hope you enjoyed your meal.


Again, magnificent news! It's about time, I'd say!



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it was perfect time, I was wondering about you 2, so happy for you and hans, glad thinga are working out for you.


lots of love, and Merry CHRISTMAS and wishing you happy, healthy new year to you both.


lots of love


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