Fed up with this now
This is a self indulgent blog because I am feeling sorry for my self. Why I dont know I have recovered quite well physiacally. Can use both hands and arms, walk...with a unique style. I want to be able to do more.
It is the not being able to get my thoughts sorted, words not coming as quick as I would like and not being able to control my emotions that getting me down.
I was so embarresed the other day when I burst in to tears at work. The colleague who had the misfortune who saw me was very kind and it did help talking to him. Even so I want to be in control of those situations.
I know I am tired and I have a lot to think about.....Maybe it will get better.
I want to say more but the words arent coming. It is late and I will go to bed tommorrow is another day. Good night all
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