I hope this brings a smile to some ones face:
Summary of Life
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptise cats.
2) When your Mum is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
Nothing reall very much to talk about. I think I am too tired to remember is part of the problem. :Neeeedsleeep:
Can any one tell me more about Rush Limbaugh? He was on the radio on monday talking about about his going deaf and subsequent cochlea implant. He had quite strong views about disabilities and stem cell research amonst other things. I guess he is a Bush supporter. You can listen to the programme again by following the link;
Well I have just realised I havent told you all about the party. It went very well. I think and hope D enjoyed it. However the tidying up afterwards was really difficult.It took so long. We should have had more help. The group we hired the hall from accussed us of not leaving the place clean and tidy and there was some damage. To cut a long story short they kept our
Well where do I start. Quite a few things seem to have happened in the last few weeks. Nothing bad mostly good things. I will work in ascending order...the most current are uppermost in my mind.
My oldest son is 18 next week. 18 is a big birthday here in the uk, known colloquially as coming of age, an adult. It used to be 21, that birthday is still special. Now it seems it is an excuse to have two celebrations. Any way son1 has decided to have a party :out_of_here:
We have hired a hall,
Belated Merry Christmas
I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. We didnt have snow but it was -5c, so very frosty, which looked like snow! Today is another crisp, bright sunny day. On with the coats,hats and scarves and out for a walk I think.
I had a good day. The first time for three years I felt able to do the dinner with out much help. I still needed someone to lift the turkey out of the oven, and lift the pots and pans. I was able to do much more pre christmas as well.
This time last week I was recovering from my trip to Buckingham Palace.
We were beig picked up by a chauffer driven car at about 7.45am, so it meant an early start. We arrived at the Palace in good time. We wwere allowed to drive in through the gates (after police looked under the car bonnet and look in the boot and under the car for devices). We went in the same door all the diginetries go in, there was a red carpet laid out for us.
The decor was amazing. Every thing was opulent but
My dad has been awarded an MBE in the Queens Birthday honours list. It is for his charity work, with Mum, with Crisis at Christmas. They have done that for about 20 years. 20 years of having Christmas dinner with homeless people to whom they give medical attenion and new clothes and a bed to sleep in for a week. Together with lots of other people.
( 20 years of not having Christmas dinner with their family)
Members of the public who are awarded an honour in either the New Year's Honour
Thank you all for you kind messages of welcome back. I decided to start writing my blog again because of something some said about being a blog about being what you want it to be. I was worried my blog wasnt witty clever long good enough so i thought who will be interested.
As some one said it is a way of keeping freinds informed about whats going on. I should get some of my "live" friends. to read it...sorry what do you call non internet friends!...I cant think of the word.....I know you are
I was sent this by a friend, well, a girl friend of one of my husband brothers( he has 4 brothers). I like to think of her as afriend I have known her for about 4 years. She sent me this just after they seperated, unbeknown to me. News doesnt travel well in my husbands family. I hope she was trying to tell me something.
Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on the
Had to dust down my blog as I wanted to tell you all something that happened to me yestersday. A story about stroke recovery.
I go to a weekly execise class for younger strtoke suvivors. Meant to be up to age of 60. It has been running for about two years. i hav e been going fairly regularly. The numbers have slowly dwindle as people have gone back to work.so now there is a core of three or four.
When I went in yesterday there was a women whom I met two years ago.Then she was almost
I am writing this blog as I am watching the world cup Brazil v Japan. It is a very exciting match. The wonders of broadband. Japan are winning. I am sorry USA were knocked out earlier today. Good news for some Australia have just equalised against Croatia.
We have booked a family activity holiday, partly because we think it will be the last holiday the boys will come on holiday with us. We have limitless walking and cycling, and can choose one other activity like climbing, white water ra
:kicking: :kicking:
:hiya: :hiya:
Havent blogged in a while as I have been watching the world cup. I am a fan of football (soccer) and enjoy watching the games.
I have just watched USA v Italy....what a game. USA had two men sent off and Italy had one man sent off. USA got a draw 1-1 which they desrved and they played their hearts out. Italy were the favourites to win.
England are doing OK, making heavy weather of their matches but have succeed in winning two so will thr
Today is my third stroke anniversary. This story sums up how I feel.
Some of you may know it. It is a story how Emily came to accept the birth of her disabled child. To me it had similiralities of my thoughts about having a stroke.
Emily Perl Kingsley.
c1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. All rights reserved
I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience
This may be of some use to you if you are trying to lose weight
To calculate how many calories you need to maintain your weight follow these steps.
1) Start with the number 387
2) Multiply age by 7.31
3) Subtract line 2 from line 1
4) Multiply weight (lb) by 4.91
5)Multiply height (in) by 16.78
6) Add lines 4 and 5
7) Enter daily physical activity:
Sedentary: 1
Less than 30 mins a day: 1.14
30-60 mins a day: 1.27
More tha 60 mins a day: 1.45
Someone I work with had some bad news this week. She thinks her husband has colon/bowel cancer.
I say think because I dont think it has actually been confirmed. He went in for a colonoscopy on Monday and she had to leave work in a hurry as he phoned to say he needed to be collected and he said on the phone it was not good news.
They knew he had polyps, seemingly they found a tumour. But what I dont understand is I thought they couldnt tell if a growth was malignant or not before they had
I am like a bear with a sore head today. I have been complaining about the students all day....making too much noise, mobile phones going off, not being able to find anything, needing help.... it goes on and on . Hey that what I am paid to do. On a good day I laugh it off. It couldnt have been all bad I did make one student laugh :roflmao:
So I think my tolerance level is quite low, so once again I find my self annoyed by something somebody has written. Maybe we should all give up and go h
Nothing really to blog about but it has been a while since I have written something.
Mum is doing well.She had a neck artery scan....forgotten the name car something...and that was all clear. Her bp is now more or less normal. I think it is because they have sorted out the arrythmic heart. The heart is a lot more regular now. She is good.
I am doing well seem to have much more energy now. I was even able to dig some of the garden yesterday.I dug a trench to plant some potatoes.I then for
There has been a lot of talk about families on this site lately. Now what am I trying to say. my own family was pretty dysfuntional. I dont want to go into all the deatils but as we all grew older and wiser, or mellow, we forgave.
At times in my life I needed my family. Maybe that was sad that was all I thought I had, i didnt think I had close enough friends to turn to. Maybe I didnt want to let other people know what I was going thru. Washing dirty laundry in public comes to mind. I didnt
Gosh I cant believe it is so long since i have blogged.
Mum is doing well, I have flown down to see her and she looks well. Dad is fussing too much and I think she liked me being there standing up for her.
Dad is the king of denial he always has been. Even when I was making a pigs ear of speaking dad was saying ...your speech is good today. Mum was more diplomatic... you sound tired dear.
He is in denial any thing is wrong with Mum. OK she could be a lot worse. He expects her to be up
Mum is doing much better, they have down graded it to a TIA, as her speech was almost back to normal last night. They still need to do a scan but I think the urgency has passed. She is on a conary care unit as she has a very irregular heart beat, so they are treating that. That is probably what caused the intial stroke.
So panic over. My GP doesnt see any reason for me not to travel, but family dont want me too....I think they are worried they will have to end up looking after
It seems Mum has had a stroke, her speech is still not making sense and she is a bit confused. They havent really tried her walking yet. Hopefully she will get a scan today or tomorrow.
At least there are going to admit her.
Last night they wanted to send her home(before any tests) because they didnt have the beds...due to cut backs. My sister told them that was their problem, not hers and she refused to take her home. Dad wanted to take Mum home as well. They asked Mum what she wanted to d
My sister phoned about three hours ago telling me Mum was rushed into hospital with slurred speech and not quite with it. She did recognise my sister when she came in. Dad didnt want to call the ambulance, I think he thinks if she goes in she will never come out. Sister made him as a precaution. The ambulance men insited she went as well. Dad was in a bit of a state.
She said she would phone back when she had more news. I am 500 miles away, my brother is on a work trip 200 miles away, my
Oh my am I am in a grump or what. I dont really know why....just lots of little things are annoying me.
I have been reading posts and blogs. Some of the topics and answers are just getting to me. I dont have to read them or agree with them. It is their topic, their choice.
I was about to say I wish I could articulate my replies more precisely. I thought I was past the stage of wishing and working on making it happen. Not as easy as it sounds. Easier to be a grumpy old woman
Not s
A short blog just to let you know I am doing well, just a bit tired.
The procedure went according to plan, and I able to watch it all. I dont think I will be ordering a copy to replay. How they knew where they were and when to insert the seal was mind boggling. To me it looked like a grey mass of tissue. Pity they didnt even have colour.
As everyone said there was nothing to it.
I just have to take care over the next six weeks, no strenuous exercise. Shame I was looking forward t