It is 3.00 am. I cant sleep because I am mulling over what to say to my 15 year old son.
He has recently got a girlfriend, she is only 13.They have been friends for a good while as she used to live next door. That was great for both of them as they used to pop in and out to see each other all the time. About three months ago it started getting more serious. I am fine with that, they both seem sensible.
However three weeks ago her family moved to the other side of town, about 20 minute drive. It is not so easy for them to see each other now. Son was invited over to stay overnight two w/e ago and I was OK with that.
This w/e she came here. We asked, no told, son he was to sleep in the living room and she could have his bedroom. He questioned why....and we said think about it... he was so indignant and offended that we thought he would try anything like that. He was really upset. We said well thats what we want. He told us he slept in her bedroom.
I think he saw it as a sleepover with his own boy mates.
Come the night..lights out time, they both ended up sleeping in the living room. I know nothing went on, but I am really cross he disobeyed me.
I really dont know what to say to him. I dont want him to think we dont trust him, but on the other hand I am getting fed up with him thinking he can do what he wants all the time. This is the culmulation of several events. I dont want to create bad feeling particularly at this time of year.
I know a lot of it is my fault as I cant say no to him, I dont want to have to argue with him. He always gets the better of me as I cant think quick enough.
Oh well got that off my chest. Off to bed now. I have to get up in 3 hrs. Oh isnt life fun.
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