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PFO closure



Now I know it is Christmas! What a lovely suprise I had when I logged on this evening. yikes.gifthankyou.gifClap-Hands.gif I havent checked but I wonder if the santa smilies are back.

I should be writing christmas cards instead of blogging - there is always tomorrow....soon I will run out of tommorrows.


I heard from the cardiologist yesterday. He has put me on the waiting list for PFO closure. So I should be having it done sometime in the new year.


I havent heard from the nuerologist as to why she failed to get me on the trial. Her bad management I think. Dallied too long. I should have been registered with in two years of my stroke. She didnt get her act together in time. The whole process has been long drawn out, through no fault of mine.


At least a decision has been made now. I am not in limbo any more.



Must think about ordering out turkey soon....maybe tommorrow.




Oh No Santa smilies sad.gif ......goodness some people are never satisfied bouncesmile.gif


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hey Mary:


happy for you, PFO closure will be breeze, you will think wish you knew sooner, and closed it earlier, but hey nothing lost, your new year is starting with bang, wish you healthy and prosperous new year and merry xmas




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Hi Mary,

I had PFO closure June24,2005 and all went well and closure is successful.

I was worried sick until the precdure was done and it was worries for nothing as it was a breeze as Asha says'cause we both had the procedure done.

Wish you a wonderful holiday season!

pm me any time re:PFO closure

Take Care




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Quit putting off those christmas cards! Glad tio hear the news about getting the PFO closure. I'm sure once it is done, the relief you'll feel will seem like you are new woman.


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