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Closure of PFO next week



:o :yikes:


Well, the hospital don't hang around once they get you on their books. I am due for my closure next Wednesday 8th March.

I thought they would give me a bit more notice. I suppose less time to worry about it.


It is at time like this I wish my family were nearby, mainly to help look after the boys. My sister and bil have just been to visit, so I cant ask them to come back again. My mum's not been to good and my MIL has just had eye surgery.


I am not keen to leave the boys for two days and nights. I know they are just 17 and 15 but it just worries me, with both of us being so far away. I have to go to a hospital 200 mile away to have the operation.


So I guess it will be down to neighbours and friends .....again.


In just over a week it will be over.


Mary :bouncing_off_wall:


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I don't know about england but here in US PFO closure is fairly simple noninvasive operation, I had done it just 4 months after my stroke, operation lasted for 10 minutes, Prep by doctors were longer than operation. I was kept a day in hospital & was home next day, I got TEE done after a year and everything looks perfect, the device(umbrella) has become part of my heart now, you can PM me anytime if you have any doubts. PFO closure in my mind and in my case was big stepping stone for me, stopped all my worries. and your boys wil be fine without mom for day or two.


lots of hugs and best wishes


ur stroke&PFO buddy



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Wanted to wish you luck. I'm sure all will go well. Your boys will be fine, they have been raised by you and know right from wrong, what will be, will be.


It's been awhile since we talked, I'll be thinking of you.



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You are star thahk you for your reassuring comments. This time next week I will wondering what all the fuss was about. <_<


We are still pondering about going and collecting MIL to come and stay. She is up for it, but I am worried the boys will be looking after her. They are adamant they will be alright on their own.


The weather has partly intervened... we have about 12" snow. :yikes: We are virtually cut off, so I think collecting her will be more hassle than its worth. I just hope we can make it to the hospital..


Snow in March is very unusual....it has been chaos here. Hubby says it is displacement worry... I am worrying about the weather rather than the real worry



Pam..(and Asha), a virtual coffee is on the cards next week.....thanks for your thoughts




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