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Tomato Plants are out





I put my 2 little Tomato plants out yesterday. I am tying container gardening. I only put 2 plants out, and will adjust next year. Maybe my family needs 3? I dunno. I calculated the cost of how much $ I have spent just to get them ready, and it is really ridiculous. I could of bought a bushel of tomatos for that amount. I guess the fun of growing is gone if you buy them.


I just have this fantasy of using my tomatoes, like making fresh chicken salad this summer and using a tomato my only hand helped grow.


Yesterday was a very hard day trying to manage a sack full of soil with one functioning arm. I have found that one hand can do lots, carry big bag of dog food and huge bag of potting soil.But last night when hubby got home, I asked him to help me finish folding clothes.


My baby really wanted to buy a strawberry plant. I have enough soil left over for one more pot, so I think Friday we will go get her a strawberry plant. It may only grow enough for 5 berries, but a fun summer project to supplement our other scheduled plans.


I hope I have good luck with my container gardening!!!


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hey Amy:


I just got book to read about container gardening,and thought it was too much work so kept aside, but last year friend of ours gave us 4 plants of tomato, my husband had planted them in container and all summer long I had taken fresh tomatoes from our garden :D, my son would eat romatoes only if they are from our deck. It was fun, you are inspiring me to plnt tomatoes again this year.


good luck with your container gardening






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Guest lwisman




Tomatoes you grow taste much better than anything you can buy in the store. I figure this is true because they haven't taken a truck ride. I suppose that the closest things to growing yourself is to buy at Farmer's Market. Growing yourself is also a great lesson for your daughter. I have never grown strawberries, so don't know much about them. Hmm.


It's too early here in Illinois to put out tomatoes. But, we have lots of daffodils, crocuses, and tulips. The chives and mint have come up also, as well as the peonies and other flowers. Spring is finally here.


Good luck and happy eating!

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There's nothing like tomatoes from the yard. There is a jar people use for strawberry plants- a sort of urn with bay windows. LOL! Sure a regular pot will do.


Many years ago when I was a kid, I planted some watermelon seeds. I got one watermelon but put a fingernail in is to see if it was pink inside. The whole thing could fit in my fist. LOL!


Planting things is a good experience for a child. I used to help plant tulip bulbs and I still love to get dirt under my nails (not very ladylike but there's something special about the feel of the soil.)


Anyone ever make mud pies as a kid? They're fun too, especially with stone "nuts"

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