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We finally met our neighbors



You know when you get new neighbors and then after a certain amount of time passes, it would be awkward to go over and finally meet them after x days/x months?


WEll, those days/months turned into 3 years, and last weekend we finally met them. It was kinda awkward for us to just waltz over and meet a houseful of bachelors. I didn't want to look to dorky, Like a 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' here's you a homemade cake,"Nice to meet ya." I mean we are all in different chapters of early adulthood. They are still into partying down, and we are settled, responsible with a kid type, staying up to watch David Letterman is late/wild for us.


Anyway, One of the housemates came over for some reason, and it was really nice to finally meet them.


They offered to help us anytime, as one is an EMT/Fireman. Kinda nice to know we have someone else watching our back on our street.


I found out some things about our newest neighbor that is a little unsettling. She just got out of rehab, and not the kind stroke survivors get out of.


Okay, I am home all day and notice cars after cars drive up, get out, and they are all scary looking,' up to no good type'. I suspected her her being a little wild, as I could smell someone blazing up in her back yard one night.


It is really a little it unsettling to know what else usually goes with drug users. And that being right beside our home.


But you can't pick your neighbors, can you? Our old ones that moved last summer really spoiled us.



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Don had some major drug dealers living across the street from him for a while. It was quite characteristic to see car after car drive up, someone get out and within a minute or two get back in and drive off. Some of the "scary types" boldly carried their little pill bottles full of white power right in the open.


It was a family neighborhood and the neigbors reported it to the police. They started watching them and their UPS packages coming into the house and within 6 weeks or so they raided the place with an armed swat team in the middle of the night. It was a major bust with far reaching ties in two countries.


Now, with all the meth labs being set up in homes that could blow up and send toxia fumes your way, I personally would be very careful, keep notes with dates and find a drug inforcement person to talk to.



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wow Amy:


I am one of those weird neigbhour who won't mind chatting online with complete strangers, but making that first move and talk with neigbhours is big no for me, prebiously I used to come home very late to talk with any one, now during spring and summer time I will be outside so will be talking with neigbhours. As Jean says keep eye on your neigbhour about drugs and people coming and going. isn't it strange how our partying at wee hours are all over




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