First of many
Okay - here goes... one handed typing easier than writing on paper - easier to share here than to talk in person ( I don't get so upset with not as many up and downs) Today has been a litle slow - at home alone again, doing research and reading posts here.
Husband Daniel is at work - he works as a security guard for a casino but is trying to ursue his dream of becoming a police officer here in our small town..He has passed the first two phases of the employment process with the third one happening this morning (PT test). He finished the test and did pretty well - I think he will get the job - one of iour close friends is the town marshall. Yes, this is a Mayberry town, where everybody, knows everybody and most people are from here , born and raised (except me, hehehe) I just happened to marry the oldests on of one of the well-known locals. Anyway, hopefully soon, our version of Andy Griffith will be living at our house :yukyukyuk: He's wanted to do this ever since I've known him - so I am very proud of him (He's an Army retiree - was an MP) :big_grin: He took off just enough time from work to do the test this morning, he rested for abou a half hour, took a shower and went on in. Then tonight when he gets in he will, eat, prob shower again and go out to do "reserve" cop duty (unpaid volunteer work) until about midnight tonight. Busy, busy, busy. He always calls to check in on me though and stops at the house during his rounds.
Well, will wonders never cease - one of my brothers just called - Heath, the one who is two years younger than me ( also is a major in the Army, vet of Iraq twice, and a lawyer with JAG) very proud of him too. He's just checking in on me and Dan (he likes my second chioice of a husband very much) Giving me the update on his busy life - 37 and still unmarried ladies! - I constantly give him crap about not giving me a sister and no nieces and nephews - he says that just gives him more time to spoil his niece (my daughter) and my other broher's children Then he also says that he hs to take care of me too - he's a good guy :blush:
He is doing some interesting stuff at the moment - writing the charges (briefs) against the detainees at Guantanamo Bay (sp?) He's alway managed to be right in the thick of things - and always had interesting girlfriend or any kind of lovelife at the moment - he works too hard I think.... He lets off steam by running - he will be running in the Marine Corps marathon in October.
Called and talked to my daughter (she is visiting her father for the next week and a half) - she is doing okay - she sounds a little bored though. She really can't do too much at the moment because she has to wear a medical girdle as a resul of our car accident a few weeks ago - the L2 and L3 bones were chipped in her back. But she is making the best of it , reading a lot, and her dad got her some color-bynumber and some paint-by-number pictures. I feel really bad though because she has always been an active kid - she's a runner like her uncle too - runs cross-country in school. Can still walk though so she is keeping up her strength with that - and keeps me motivated to walk with her
OK - break time.....whew, and I didn't think I had anything to wite about -LOL more later :yadayada:
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