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A Happy Forth to all wherever you are!



A good Monday to you :) Had a busy day with OT, ST, and PT today. ST was a few eval tests - showing problems in comprehension and in logic (math skills are gone). Short term memery lacks as well - Going for full scale neuropsych testing later this monthto fully assess how bad and where deficits are....Doc says he is confused because the part of the brain where my stroke struck shouldn't have affected my number skills - I'd like to know what happened with my checkbook then! My hubby couldn't believe how atrocious my figures were... I guess we'll see.

Having the big shindig BBQover at a friend's house tomorrow for the holiday - hubby the policeman will be in our local parade - he had his finalinterview for the Andy Griffith job today - think it went well so hopefully he'll start getting paid for all the volunteer cop work he does! :Clap-Hands:

We have a true small-town, old-fashioned holiday here in Milan - complete with ice-cream(homemade!) socials, hog-roasts, and all the kiddies in the's fun and comforting to know that the same things happen ever y year.....the kids can walk all around town without us having to worry about them :hug:


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