Life as it is Now
There is a first for everything in life now, and this is my first at writing things down. I was told back in the beginning that I should jot down every new thing happening in my life post stroke. Did I listen, hell NO. But now I think its time to do so. I stroked April 12, 2001 - 5 LONG years ago. Right side affected.
As I said before, I have been seperated for the past 3 years, while he saddled up with another (complete) woman. Meaning in his words, she wasn't a cripple. Did he hurt my feelings - CRUSHED ME.
My went for my driving test on June 30, 2006 and HOORAY - I AM ALLOWED TO DRIVE!!!!!!! :cheer:
Life is interesting - no longer can use my right arm but I keep trying. One day I will show the doctor's that they are wrong (I hope). I already did by learning to talk, walk, and remember things. Short term memory is the s--ts, but I still keep trying.
I am left handed so I made out okay. Doing everything one-handed is interesting but I can do it. For this I am grateful, and pat my own back every day.
Originally I told therapists that my family that it was their turn to take care of me (what a joke). The only family members I still talk to are my two kids. My Mom believes that I should be back to my old self (wouldn't that be nice), my sisters think I should be able to do more than what I am. I don't know, running a house, cooking every meal, laundry, and taking care of 2 kids and 2 dogs seems like a awful to deal with, non? As I said what a joke!
I also do volunteer work for Golf for the Physically Impaired - I am Secretary. I was told only about 4 weeks of work, I am now in month 5 and still no end in sight. But, it keeps me busy and I meet and greet alot of interesting people.
I think that is all I have to say this time around.
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