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Should I repair ring on my own?



My 21st wedding anniversary is coming up on the ninth of this month. Last summer I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring and couldn't find it. So, I haven't worn my ring since then. I miss wearing it. I realize we can't afford to buy another diamond, but a cubic zirconia is cheap and I wonder if I should just go ahead and take the ring to a jeweler to have a cubic put in, and keep praying that the diamond will be found? I've hinted to hubby in the past I'd like to get a cubic but he is dense in that way, so instead of allowing resentment to fester, maybe I should just go ahead and do the deed and allow hubby to take the credit for doing it? wacko.gif


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Hi Janice


I'm a ring losser too. I solve the problem by not buying rings over $20. If one gets lost, no big deal. My real wedding band sits in a box and I wear a $15 one. They look so good now days, who can really tell?



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hey janice, go ahead and get the cz. give the hubbie credit. it's your ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!





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Well, I did it, took my ring to a jeweler to have a cubic put in where diamond was...it's going to cost $79. Told hubby I had arranged for the anniversary gift he is going to give me this year to which he replied thank you. I think he was glad he was off the hook to have to think of a gift that would please me. silly.gifsecret.gif Thank you for encouraging me to go ahead with the plan. Am having the same size cubic put in for 'WHEN' we find the real diamond we can just exchange the sets. I pray we do find the real diamond.. worth about 6-7 grand.. not insured...only if it had been stolen not lost.


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