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Abracadabra, Alakazam! Lady re-appears



Hello - If you've noticed that I haven't been around, or even if you haven't, apologies for my unexpected "vacation" I had a second small stroke(TIA) on July 19, 2006, whivh necessitated a trip to first our local county hospital, then a transfer to the University of Cincinnati hospital, where I've been hanging out by the pool with several margaritas - LOL and if you believe that one, I've got a piece o'real estate for ya to lookeesee at. They ran many invasive tests - took many liters of blood and ran a scope down my esophagus in order to determine why thr strokes where repeating......they found two very intersting things......I have a hole in my heart, big enough to cause a stroke, but not big enough to operate on. Also I have a nasty inherited tendency for my blood to thicken more than others do........Tada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally have the answer! Am now switching care over to theior neuroscioence institute to continue treatment and therapies......

Was quite the mind-blower to have the stroke symptoms again - my daughter had the calmness and presence of mind to call for help :) and friends and neighbors were instantly here

They've adjusted my meds again - and I have also come home with a raghing ear infection - the whole side of my face on the right is poofy around the ear - painful and icky

just screwed the weekend up for everybody....will make this short as i am tired - back on tomorrow


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