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Abit of the bad and mostly good



Today is a bittersweet day for me - I got to see my brother Heath - for most of you that know me, you knoe that he is my younger brother that is a major in the Army doing important Army lawyer work (really, he is - prosecuting enemies of the state! can't say anymore because I don't want him to get into trouble.

He's the kind of guy you can count on for just about anything - When I had the mini-stroke and then had to go back in the hospital for the ear infection which turned massive (needed a week's stay with IV antibiotics- yay) he called to check on me, and I asked if he would come to see me, and of course, he did.

I hope one day that he knows how much I love him and how blessed I was to receive him as a brother. He came in to help with some nasty details like updating the will, advance directive, and patient care rep thingies. He is quite a brilliant lawyer, IMHO.

He is quite brilliant period - and good-looking (from a sister's view) and still single ladies!!!! Not worried about it though - he'll know when he finds the right one and then it'll be all over :) Anyway, he came in and spent a few daysand left today - yes with the elevated alert and all......

Funny story - he is a wine aficianado so we took him to one of the local wineries and he ended up getting about 9 bottles to take back with him....bottles of liquid which are now not allowed in carry-on luggage - LOL. He fixed it by checking the luggage he ussually carries on. I

t was lovely to have him here - always too short, although I ythink it's always that way for the guests you like the most.

So with my second hospital stay done in two weeks, I'm ready to get back to some sort of routine.

Have had to reschedule a bunch of things and am now adding Kyla in the mix because of the physical therapy for her compressed fractures in her back from the car accident. And, ashe will be starting counseling to help deal with all the major stress that has occurred since my stroke...which I think is a good thing - she has held up fairly well but is getting headaches and moody, beyond the normal teenage moodiness. She's receptive to it and even excited about it so I think this will be good.


Best news of the day - I just found out that I've been approved for my disability! yay - it will surely help because all the stress has been on Dan and this should help immensely.


It will also help me qualify for some vocational rehab programs so that I can get back to work if I wish. This will be helpful for learning to touch-type with my right hand only and getting a smaller keyboard to make typing easier. Will also qualify me for some programs to help with my short term memory skills and other activitied for daily living (ADL's).

Okay, I am done for today - always hate goodbyes......hugs and kisses to all


Recommended Comments

Just looked at the photos you posted in the Gallery Mel, nice ones of your brother too. I just think your house would fit anywhere in our street. And I am sure you would make a good neighbour. You've got the beginings of a good garden there. I have daylilies up the back, mine are orange and yellow.


Sue. : :friends:

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