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Only one appt today and the kids are back in school so the house is quiet once more :) . I'm so tired from the seemingly non-stop activity. Yesterrday was a good day though - had to go to the Social Security office to get my daughter signed up for benefits since I was approved for disability..... The extra money will help a lot (though most of it will get invested for her college) It's amazng how much stress is off me now hat I know that I've got the SSDI coming - feel like I'm contributing my share to the household again - I know that probablly sounds stupid, but I'm used to supporting myself and my daughter, since I learned the hard way that I had to with my first husband - my current husband does not make me feel that way but it is nice to know that some of the pressure is off of him too - a one-income household with a growing girl was strething things very tight!

Well - it's shower time - have a PT appt today, can't be late!.

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I am on disability, too since 1988 & would be lost without it. It feels good to able to contribute my share

Best to you

June :Clap-Hands:

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