My weekend
This weekend has been fantastic. My parents took my daughter and I out for the weekend to a near tourist attraction, and to clothes shop for her past birthday. WE spent some good quality time. They had two guest passes to an amusement park and they offered to rent me a wheelchair. I never have, but I usually walk holding onto my hubby's arm. I did it by myself this time :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:. Walking with my parents, the pace was a little slower, and I could keep up well with that. It was very nice to get home last night and sleep in my own bed.
When I packed for my daughter and I, I didn't forget one item!! ( In the past, post stroke, I would forget socks, extra undies, or something) It is getting great feeling.
Tomorrow starts my"Brain Therapy" again (my dd's school is starting) I like having things to remember to do. It feels good to wake with a goal to accomplish.
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