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This is a picture of my brother Heath when he was in Iraq the first time around - two years ago. He says he will be "in-country" by mid-September and back home sometime in March. He is going there to do some good work - he is a lawyer and I guess the US is now ready to proceed with the trials against those who are in Guantanamo. He will be putting the finishing touches on the court setup over there. Hope that doesn't say too much but he did tell me this over a cell phone connection so I'm sure that if this would get him in trouble, he would already be there by now.

I am in the midst of planning a cooking education class for some of my close friends that I have not seen much of over the summer since the stroke and simply because the kid's were out of school and everybody goes their seperate ways. It is at times like these that it is clearly shown to you and to others which people will be with you for a long time and which may be taking a short break before coming around again. Yesterday - and I am only expressing my feelings of hurt and disappointment that were echoed by my daughter who was the one that the incident actually occurred to, my friend was to have picked her up for a medical appt and had forgotten about it or I didn't get the right information to her in time...whatever, it's done and over with but - and we are fine today.. it left both of us a llittle shaken up because a small element of distrust entered in...Especially for my girl - she was also hyper because while I was trying to figure out what to do and reschedule the appt, she was missing her classes......have never seen a kid that likes school so much (or maybe it's just not wanting to have to make up all the work?) Anyway - it was just a mess and I felt like crap yet again, because I'm still not driving since my stroke (going for my driving asssesment next week but still won'be able to get a car until still trapped) Then felt doubly worse when she asked me when I thought I was giong to drive again, because I shouldn't still be blaming myself for the car accident back in June- because it was just an accident.....she says I should be braver than that. She's right, I should, hiding behind this stroke for the driving is definately not me. So, onward and upward.

Back to the planning of the cooking class - oh, did I mention that it's going to be for the two favorite greek dishes that they all love for me to make? Yep, since the group of us that were quite tight this time last year are now drifting apart due to changing life circumstances (moving, going back to college, recouping from stroke, change in jobs, ill health, and new men in some of thir lives) I figured this would be a nice send-off. We will be making Pastistio and Spanakopita (Greek cheese Lasagna and spinach and cheese pie) Yummy!

I'm printing out the recipes for them as a gift as well............... I do love them all but the winds are change are blowing harder than I think we can hold on to each other right now. It makes me sad and probably makes them sad as well - if we're meant to keep in touch , we will. :)

Well all appts went off without a hitch today - yay! And my doc called in my headache prescription which I haven't had for about a month now.......yay, yay



Having a spot of tea and a pop-tart......brightens up the afternoon.



I will figure out a way topost these recipes in case anybody wants them........

Ah, I remember what else I wanted to chat about - my friends who have transatlantic romances going on. My one friend (who was mistakenly born here in the states and not Ireland! - it's true, I swear it!!!!!!) has met a wonderful man from Ireland and it looks as though she my be heading in that directionHe's actually been here in Indian to meet the family and go through the friend gauntlet since the 15th of August... - which is good! A place to go visit with a friendly face :)

My other friend's romance does not seem to be progressing as well though :( The gentleman lives in India but is registered individual without official papers. If you've read any of the latest going on over ther you will understand why she is a bit concerned because she has not heard from him in almost two weeks - this is extrmemy unusual as he would send her at least one email a day and call her once a day - they got to know each other online by playing backgammon;)


I say a prayer for him daily - She deserves someone nice in her life!

I love my interesting friends - hehehehehe



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