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Day 7...A Good Day Was Had By All...



I got to meet with my therapist for the first time today. She is going to work out just fine. I'm thrilled. I shared with her my revelations about being so needy in our relationship and what I wanted to work through by the time I speak with Jane again. So that is what we are focusing on. I'm feeling much more peace every day. I'm trying to rest in the positive...being really joyful in giving her the space she needs. Moments get tough...old anxieties pop out, but I'm working towards good health. She said to keep blogging especially when those anxieties pop out so I can allow the anxieties to be there but be calm AROUND those anxieties. This makes sense but it going to be a challenge I know...


And life goes to lunch and then to the office! A good day was had by all!!!


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That looks great that you had a good day. I hope you have many more "good days". Give Jane some time and you as well. You will have good days and bad days but hope you have more good days.


Take care you and Jane



Bill :beer:

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Thanks Bill...I just had to realize my OWN demons were making me worry more than I should and perhaps CLING in an unhealthy way more than I should!!! I think it will all be good in time...I have faith!


Thanks!!! :hug:

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Sounds like a great day was had by all! Sorry I haven't popped in before now - I didn't realize you had started blogging. Yay! A good step in the right direction...I can already sense a bit of calmness seeping into your posts.....It really does help to see where you've been and what has happened written out, not just through the looking glass of memory.

I am glad to see you are settling in - in all parts of your life.....keep up the gret work - I know it is hard! :juggle:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :You-Rock:

:groupwave: :groupwave:

:sadangel: :stretcher: :cloud9:

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Thanks Mel...I feel SOOO much better...getting the help I need, too!!


I have never loved someone as I love her...It is all so dang scary!!!! I'm bound to make mistakes... But I'm trying and willing to learn!

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Happy to hear you sound calmer. Illness of any kind affects all...


It is hard to be "out" of the loop and waiting (notice I didn't say patiently) on the side lines. You have a great attitude, glad you like your counselor ... I had one once (had no clue.. ) only spent 15 minutes I think he needed help more than I did...


Hang in there. Bonnie

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:hahaha: No...not waiting patiently as I'm not patient by nature but I'm doing it! It helps me...part of my learning, and helps her...!!


But I miss her terribly Bonnie...I ache how much I miss her. But I'm working on accepting it.


It's important to find a therapist that you really first one was OK, but this one and my last one were AWESOME!!!! I know my last therapist truly saved my life.


Thanks...I'm hanging!!!...Robyn

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If there is one thing that stroke will teach you, it is patience...I used to say " Patience is a virtue, but it is not mine!" HA - boy has that changed.....LOL Keep that calm streak going - you are doing fine. :)

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I am learning patience, although it isn't easy, and I'm learning how to let the sadness and ache of missing her and the pain of being forcibly separated from her just be there and not allow myself to panic. I'm resting on the truths I don't just give up on 3 years of a great relationship overnight...that our relationship, before this, was strong...and that as she gets more healthy emotionally she will return to me -- perhaps not permanently, but we will TRY, and I'm willing to try!!


Staying calm...breathing...meditating...praying!!! :wub2:

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Real glad you are talking to someone about this, and in time, once you both have your space, things should get better

Good Luck

June :cheer:

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