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dorsiflexion returning! shoulder improving!



hi all...i experienced the returning of the extensor hallucus muscle that raises the big toe on my left foot!...this was two days ago...in today's pt session it strengthened a bit (it's a smaller muscle) and there was also some firing of the peroneous muscle which raises the lateral part of the toes/foot!...my therapist was very happy for me as he clearly saw when we started two weeks ago that there was no movement whatsoever...this brought me back to kiev when several hours after the second cell injection i was able to flex my big toe for the first time since february...i'm so grateful for this return...it really gave me a boost as dorsiflexion is important to functional walking by regaining the ability to lift the foot of the advanced leg...i'm working hard in ot as well...the good news there is my shoulder range of motion and strength has increased!...my rotator cuff muscles have developed more tone (reducing the subluxation) and that pain in my left scapula isn't there anymore when i lie flat on my back...i'm more optimistic that more returns are on the way now...stem cells + good old fashioned therapy seem to be working together for me!...i'll keep posting...best to all, richxxx




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  • Founder and Owner

Rich, this is great! I am very happy for you. Keep up the positive reports! :Clap-Hands:

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congratulations on your positive results from stemcell treatment, so happy for you, keep them coming, I love your blog, keeps my hopes alive


good luck in everything




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Rich So Happy to hear the Good news. Yes PT is hard work. but definately worth it. I have Warm Thoughts of my PT and how thankful he knew so much. I also came home and practiced , So with your nice fresh cells and great therapy !!!!!! Great to hear the news..

Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work


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Congratulations on the movement, and it sounds like there's more to come !


Keep on BLOG'ing, I keep looking to see what you're doing.


Best of luck,



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hi rich, my nameis kimmie and i am new here, but i read your blog and am so happy for you and it gives me hope. i am 5 yrs pos stroke, but the main reason i am writing is i to have a malpractice suit going about tpa, so lets chat and i will tell you what i know. it is very encouraging how my case is progressing. hope to talk to you soon. kimmie

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