Unexpected Twists and Turns
I don't know about hospitals. I really, really don't. All the tests have proven to be negative - that's the good part. No pneumonia, no emboli in the lungs, no blood in the stools, no celiac disease, the H-pilori found will be treated with antibiotic. The psychiatrist was in today and Bill responded real well to him. He even asked if there is anything others don't want to tell him that he should know about.
Bill has been dealing with his psychological state today - it's as though he's heard the word "dementia" for the first time as it relates to him. Dr. Willoughford was so gentle, and so kind and has suggested adding just a little celexa to his meds in hopes he can help him with the emotional lability. He also wants to change the medication for dementia - with Dr. Setthi's approval - to another that seems to have been more helpful with stroke patients. Sounds good to me. We both cried after he left though. I told Bill I've been trying to be so strong, and haven't wanted for him to have to deal with the questions we are dealing with now. I'm sure we have lots to face yet.
I was greeted this morning with the nurse announcing that he is scheduled to be discharged tomorrow. Of course that threw me into near panic as no plans had been made for his discharge. Later today Dr. Taylor called and told me that she had no plans to discharge him - he needs to regain strength and balance before she feels it would be safe for him at home. I agreed. She hadn't spoken with Dr. Willoughford yet, either and he wants Bill to be followed for his medication changes since he doesn't want him to cycle into a mania as a result of adding the celexa - very complicated, to be sure.
Now - before I came home I asked the nurse about his sleeping pill. She decided to read the medications he will get at bedtime.......Ambien (recovering alcoholics aren't supposed to take this med), Aricept - neurologist told me to never give this med at night........and, he gets his zyprexa (20 mg. - large dose) in the morning at 10 a.m.......I've attempted to get the zyprexa changed ever since going to the hospital. Apparently the hospital doesn't use Lunesta so, according to his nurse, the pharmacy automatically dispenses Ambien instead. OK - here we have a man with dementia being given a sedative in the morning and a medication to stimulate the brain at bedtime - and a sleeping pill contraindicated in alcoholics...When I gave the ER Bill's medication list I listed when he got all of his medications. The hospital's policy is to give all qd (once daily) meds at 10 in the morning..........I'm still sitting here with my mouth open........it's as though one size fits all medication management. No wonder he became delusional and psychotic Monday.
I met with the office of Disabled Vets Administration today. Seems Bill's diabetes needs to be rated in his disability since, although it is shown all over his medical records they don't include it in his rating. Because he served in Vietnam during the Agent Orange days his type II diabetes is a recognized disability. The paperwork was faxed in this afternoon on that. Also, the lady (called Goddess in my book!) suggested his psychiatrist or physician write a letter indicating his preexisting conditions are responsible for his need for aid and attendance since they don't consider the strokes to be part of his service-connected disability. Here we go with round #2 on this one. My poor husband doesn't understand any of it - he just says "I'm so glad I have you to take care of me." At least he's back to understanding my care rather than thinking I'm conspiring against him - today.
So, tomorrow is another day. And my darned horoscope was on target again today....."The path of this day will include a lot of unexpected twists and turns, so try not to go too fast with anything."
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