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Hey Babe!!



How has your weekend been? Fairly low key here. Today we tried to go swimming but there were too many "misbehaviors" so we left in about 10 minutes. We'll try again tomorrow.


We went to a BBQ at a colleague of David's...lives right around the corner from me. Great guy! Well published...seems like he'd be a good friend as well as a colleague so that was cool. We're going to talk research some time in the near future!


I hope you are relaxing well...maybe eating some lobster! Overall I hope you are just getting better!!!!! It feels like the stroke was so long ago yet it was only 6 weeks. You improved SOOOO rapidly in those first couple of weeks so it is hard to fully understand the extent of your deficits. And I'm sure you've improved rapidly in the last 3 weeks since I last saw you so I can only imagine what you're up to right now!!! I know the emotional takes longer to heal but I know you will work hard on that with Sandy...and with whatever support you can get through Spaulding so that's a good thing. I really am looking forward to talking with you in a few weeks to know what is going on with you right now!


Anyway...I'm tired...watching a movie with the kids, then I'll do some reading and meditating and hit the bed! I am thinking of you and dreaming of you and holding you in my arms every night...I love you! Have sweet dreams my dear!




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