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Time Fleeting Away



I can't believe I've not added to this part of our journey since early in the week. I guess I've been too tired - or too caught up in the events of the present to write the experience so I can reflect on it later.


Early in the week Trey and I had a spat. Seems his grandma had called his mother and told her there is nothing more that can be done for Bill and he needs to come to see his father - now. Of course Trey was upset. He accused me of "trying to keep" him away from his dad. He added that "I'm about 3 steps and 3 hours away from there." He also related that he feels like he gets a different story from me than from "others" and seemed to think I have some hidden agenda in not telling him the whole story. Of course, the whole story is that the Namenda seems to be working nicely and Bill is less confused than he was. And the celexa is working well too. He is alot less emotional and he feels better emotionally. He continued along the accusatory lines for awhile - and when I responded in a way he didn't like, left the chat (Yahoo chat). He began the chat with accusations and left after he'd been nasty enough, I guess.


After he left I sent him a letter. I apologized for doing or saying anything that made him uncomfortable - but I had not intentionally left him out of the loop. I also told him that if I had felt at any time he should be called, I would have done so. (I did call him Sunday evening to let him know his dad was in the hospital.) I also suggested that we had made several trips between Greensboro and Southport in a day and if he was concerned he could always make a trip over to see his dad - if only for the day. I next suggested that he could call his dad anytime since he doesn't work - and then he'd know first hand how he is doing. I also told him he doesn't have to talk with me.


Well, yesterday afternoon guess who walked in Bill's room. Trey. He came unannounced to spend the week-end. But not with me. He is staying with his grandmother. I think that's great because he can spend the time with her she has been missing and I don't have to worry about his actions and attitude while he's here. He said he wants to stop over to see Roy and Couda (the cats) while he's here - but I think I'll not be available for that visit.


I was really glad that Bill was so alert yesterday and last evening. He's still extremely weak, and we are making plans for rehab - but at least he was more alert. Soooo....maybe Trey will understand that I do know what's going on with his Dad, probably moreso than anybody else. The doctors know the clinical part of the illness and how to treat it. With the meds regulated maybe we have a few more good months and/or years ahead.


In all of this I was reminded of one important fact about Trey. I sure wasn't ready when I was twenty to face the possibility that I might lose my dad. I'm sure it's all so difficult for him. The other thing is....I don't have to attend every fight I'm invited to join.


I hope we will hear something on rehab centers today. The inpatient rehab doctor was in to see him and told me he thought they could help Bill. Then, somebody else came in and decided he has gone as far as they take their patients so he isn't suitable for inpatient rehab. It's been frustrating since I thought early in the week I would hear something on skilled nursing, then I guess somebody had other ideas and now we are back to skilled nursing again. It's now been two weeks. I can see that Bill is physically stable. It's now time to get him into another setting. I hope it happens soon!


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In all of this I was reminded of one important fact about Trey. I sure wasn't ready when I was twenty to face the possibility that I might lose my dad. I'm sure it's all so difficult for him. The other thing is....I don't have to attend every fight I'm invited to join.




I think this is an important paragraph. Trey was probably just upset by his dad being in the hospital again and he was taking it out on you. He didn't grow up with you and hasn't had as much opportunity to get to know you for the compassionate and loving person you are. Sounds like you handled him just right.


Jean :friends:



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Agreed...what Jean said...that paragraph resonated with me as well. Being a step parent isn't easy and you may still be seen as an interloper of sorts, no matter how much things have been resolved since you and Bill got married. As many have told me, illness can bring out some tough unresolved stuff for people...just as Jane's sister has not dealt with her own unresolved stuff.


Let your love for Bill and for Trey shine through...he'll see it eventually! :hug:

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