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Bad week, going into hell week.Daughter update



I finally figured out why I have kept feling worse and worse instead of things leveling=fff.......Monday is the fifth anniv of 9/11.....I lost nine beauiful peoplr that day and am still not over ot.... I don't know how to get over'ss overwhelming now with all the nre tv coverage anf "behing the dscenens" footage,,,,,I can't seem to escape it. Although Steed's poat earlier today scared me, I do know hoe e feeld and I'm goin t talk to my coundelor Monday....

I am in such pain akl the time with ,y shoulder - going for an MRI on it and my lrft hand tomorrow - and hopefullt will gwt my MRI and MRA at the same time if I can......They take so long I just want to get them done........Thry think I may have torn asomething either during one of my falls or from the car accident......yay - would ;ole to be able to quit takeing 3-5percosets a day.....



Haven'y updated on my girl in a while....sge is adjusting well intowslight disability and teenagerhood - pretty, popular, wants a perm......we'll see on that one. She saw the orthopod for her sine compressions - they are not healing as they should soshe has to wear the stupid corset brace for another 3months!!!!! Pretty bummed. But she can start weaning herself off o otas long as it doesn't start hurtnig. The brain thing is still on hold - she goes dor a follow-up MTI in another month so we'll ee if any thing changes by then. She is taking Neurontin for the migraines anf they founf that she had a low evel in her blood of Co-enzymr Q10 vitamin so we've started her on that - anybody familiar with that?


Anyway, that's all for bor now...meds are finally kicking in ams t's sleepy time :cloud9:





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((((hugs))) from me too. You are dealing with so much, both physically and mentally that it is no wonder you are feeling overwhelmed.


I hate anniversaries of the deaths of people I love too. But it is also a time to celebrate that we are alive, and they will be alive in a way too all the time we have the breath to tell their stories.


I joined Lifeline, which is the same kind of service as the Samaritans in America, because a friend of mine committed suicide. I worked on the phones for eight years doing a six hour shift once a week. I wanted to do something to help people feel more empowered so they didn't get to feel that feeling of being lost and alone. On the night shifts in particular people were thankful just to talk and relieve their feelings of loneliness. That is what we are here for too. I hope that some of what I did helped people go on living a life that they found worthwhile.


(((hugs))) and prayers too.



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Hey Cookie.... (((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I did not lose anyone in 9/11 that i know of, but it is something that has bothered me very deeply. I listened to a few of the wives, family. I am not sure I would be as gracious as they are. Maybe the news is only highlighting on the ones that are.


Hopefull you get some answers on your arm.. etc. Thanks for the update on your daughter.

You are all thought of warmly here.




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I was 4 blocks away watching the whole thing happen...thankfully didn't lose anyone I knew personally but it was awful living among all that death and sadness for a long time. I'm still bothered by the whole thing...can't really watch anything 9-11 oriented.

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