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100 "thingys" about me



1) i have been married three times and have ALWAYS kept my maiden name even before it was popular

2) i LOVE to wear black

3) many times when i am alone i will actually PLAN and carry out comfort food eating binges and then sleep for hours

4) i have seen every episode of law and order

5) i have seen every episode of the andy griffith show

6) i have only been fired from a job once. i was 16 and my father fired me for insubordination

7) i tasted cat food once to see what it tasted like

8) i believe in god, satan, ghosts, and premonitions

9) i actually saw and spoke to a ghost once. i was NOT drunk. i did research on the name they gave me and found out who it was ( or had been)

10) i have had premonitions since i was 16 years old. my family and close friends know about it and believe me. they stopped happening when i got the brain damage from the stroke

11) i was a state finalist in the miss teen usa pageant in 1979.

12) i was "dolly" in my senior high school play, hello, dolly! in 1981. when many people see me they still say" hello, dolly!"

13) the fattest i ever got was 228 pounds. the thinnest was 105lbs. now i'm in the middle.

14) i met all three of my husbands in a restaurant ( all three unrelated circumctances)

15) i was in memphis on a church choir tour the day that elvis died. people were crying in the streets

16) i have had gray hair since i was 27. i don't know how gray it is now because it has had a color on it ever since

17) i used to sew up the tears and rips on my baby sister's stuffed bear and tell her they were "stitches' and would heal. she was 12 years old before she figured it out

18) i HATE diet drinks of all types. i'd rather have water

19) the THOUGHT of eating wild game makes me physically ill

20) i am TERRIFIED of all reptilians

21) i was angry and accused my parents of lying when i found out about santa claus

22) i have COMPLETELY planned a murder in my head but was too afaid to go through with it

23) i have eaves dropped on my parents while they spoke privately on more than one occassion

24) i can sign my father's name without flaw because i forged so many "excuses" while in high school

25) i have attempted suicide twice in my life

26) i cry when i see a sad movie

27) i give money to those men with the" i will work for food signs"

28) i believe in bad luck, bad karma, re-incarnation, and superstitions

29) i like to associate with people who have a good sense of humor. i think "funny people" are smarter than average

30) i have an IQ high enough to join mensa. it dropped 14 points after i had the stroke

31) even though i'm intelligent, i'm EXTREMELY "spacey" and naive. many times i just "don't get' things. it gives me a headache. it's worse since the stroke

32) i like to stick popsickles in my soft drinks until they get mushy and then crunch them up like a slushy

33) i am the third best cook that i know.

34) i messed up my credit so badly in my twenties that fingerhut turned me down for a $50 line of credit. now i have a $2000 line of credit with them

35) i look FORWARD to bad weather, thunderstorms, tornadoes, etc.... i am ALWAYS prepared for it and like to photograph bad weather. it gives me a feeling of security.

36) going through a car wash makes me feel sexual. i've never told my husband because he would be going through them everytime we got gas

37) i am a musical snob

38) i am offended by ignorant people who pretend to know things to which they haven't a clue

39) i dated an ignorant, 8th grade educated redneck country bumkin once because he had a heart of gold. during that year, i helped him study for and get his ged, went shopping with him and completely changed his wardrobe, took him to my dentist and got his teeth fixed, made him shave off his beard and get a haircut ( basically pulled a "fab five' on him,) and talked him into getting rid of his raggedy pickup and buy a sedan. i made him keep his conversation to a minium when he was around my friends or family because of his poor grammar. for this, i am DEEPLY ashamed.

40) once i made a phone call pretending to be a survey taker to find out if a guy i was interested in was married

41) i tried lsd once in the seventies

42) i talk to myself when i'm alone

43) once i followed my husband while in disguise to see if there was anything going on between him and his ex-wife.

44) i lied to a public records office one time to get a copy of a birth certificate to see if my husband's ex had put him down as the father of her last illegitimate child

45) when i was a teenager i peed in a hardees cup and poured it down a bathroom sink to keep my boyfriend from hearing me "tinkle"

46) when i was five years old, to "pay back" a bratty little neighbor for hitting my little sister, i locked her in a dark storage shed. then, while the whole neighborhood looked for her i just sat on the swing and laughed to myself. they finally heard her crying and made me apologize. later, i threatened her again while we were alone that i would do it again if she hit my sister again and that NEXT time i wouldn't let her have her dog with her. mother heard me through an open window and switched the life out of me.

47)i have won every single talent contest i have ever entered except the first one when i was 7 years old. that time i came in second. i played a classical music piece and was beaten out by a baton twirler. i have never gotten over it

48) i was the winner of my school's 1974 post herald spelling bee beating out several hundred kids. i froze at the county and missed an easy word. i have never gotten over that either!!!

48) i was the winner of the same school's 1975 math bee as well

49) i was also the winner of the "bible bee" at my church in 1977

50) i made mediocre grades because i never studied and got so bored during the tests that sometimes i took naps and finished it up real quick when we were told how many minutes we had left

51) at the age of five i was legally deaf but my parents thought i wasn't paying attention. only after my dad asked me behind my back if i wanted to go get an icee and i didn't respond, did they get me tested. luckily, the deafness wasn't permanent and a simple operation corrected it

52) i wet the bed until i was nine years old

53) i love my two sisters more than anyone else. i would give my life for either of them

54) i associate different tv shows with certain foods. it took me a while to figure it out, but it all corresponds to what mother fed us on certain nights. brady bunch: chicken pot pies, gunsmoke: chili, sister kelly has the same food association issues

55) if time and work were'nt an issue, i would stay awake during all night hours and sleep during the day

56) i HATE a ringing telephone. i keep mine turned off at all times and get mad when someone turns its on. that's why god invented caller id and voice mail

57) i hate to be asked a lot of unecessary questions by anyone about anything

58) i love the beach at night during a thunderstorm better than during a sunny day. it gives me poetic inspiration

59) i ABHOR fake new england accents like the one's actors always use when they are portraying the kennedys. even WORSE is a fake southern accent

60) EVERYONE in my family, immediate, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc..... EXCEPT my two grandmother's, has had or DOES have a problem with alcohol.

61) my grandfather( paternal) spent 18 months in a mental hospital when i was 9-10 years old. i have NEVER been able to get a straight answer as to why

62) if i had my choice, and money was no isue, i would live somewhere in canada in a remote cabin on the water and would have minimal contact with people. i would only require a phone, and a computer.

63) if i won the lottery or a jackpot of some sort, i would share SOME of it with my husband, and then i would divorce him, go to canada and never look back. i would fly my family in to visit though

64) if i could afford it, i would adopt EVERY single stray cat that there was on this earth and build them a "lodge" with kitty accomodations, a vet, groomer, etc... i would let as MANY as possible sleep with me till my bed looked like a large moving kitty blanket

65)i have never dated a man more than once who didn't ask me to marry him, most of the time i just go ahead and say yes

66) i HATE all country music EXCEPT patsy cline

67) i know EVERY single line and EVERY single word to "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER"

68) if i could meet and get to know one living actor, it would be clint eastwood

69) if i could have met and get to know any deceased actor, it would have been jimmy stewart

70) i LIKE martha stewart

71) i think michael jackson is innocent

72) i think O.J is guilty

73) i think scott peterson is guilty, but that there was enough reasonable doubt to acquit

74) i think that amber frye is a stupid *beep*

75) i think people who have affairs with married people should be prosecuted

76) i think that gay people should be afforded all of the same legal rights as straight people

77) i think that women who KEEP having illegitimate babies should not be allowed to receive free food, medical, education, and rent. i think the government should create a quality children's home to take care of all of the childrens' needs and that the mother should be allowed visitation and a chance to better herself ON HER OWN. i'm tired of supporting the children's MOTHER. i have a hard enough time supporting MYSELF and I don't qualify for any "programs"

78) i HATE nascar

79) i hate "nosy" people

80) i HATE to have my oil changed, or ANY type of car maintenance

81) i think that the men in the family should do all of the yard work

82) i think that shopping centers, grocery stores , etc should have a SEPARATE line for STUPID people. the one's who have to take up time to 'run back' and get something, waste time tring to use expired coupons, want to argue about posted prices vs price on the box, have too many items in express, pick up items that need a "PRICE CHECK!!!!!" etc.....

83) i believe in an "eye for an eye" , especially when it comes to crime or harm to children

84) i think that alcatraz ought to be renovated to house all child molesters who should ALL get life in prison

85) i think that rapists should be castrated

86) i believe in the death penalty, only it's too humane right now

87) i believe in "pro choice", but i think it is too widely used

88) i believe in public hangings

89) i think that PRIOR convictions should be made available to the jury.

90) i think that we would have a more fair justice system if jurors were trained, unbiased PAID professionals. no more of these 'lucks of the draw". it's just not fair

91) i would lie about my feelings on rape if i was questioned as a potential juror. and then if i thought the guy was guilty, would come down hard!!!!!

92) i let my cats lick on my icecream cones

93) i have "hidden money" that my husband doesn't know about

94) sometimes i have said i'm going to visit my sister and i just ride up the interstate to the next town and check into a hotel to get away from my husband, watch pay per views and order room service.

95) i had 74 pairs of shoes at last count. i usually only wear about 5 pairs during any one season.

96) i have never cheated on a test in my life

97) rather than wash clothes, i have been known to go buy a whole duplicate outfit including underwear

98) i lie about my age when at all possible

99) i can not remember a single day, sick or not, ( except when i was unconscious with the stroke) that i haven't had a shower and washed my hair

100) i've written 100 things, and still haven't "spilled my guts!!!!! i'm very evasive about the " important things" !!!!! happydance.gif


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Kimberly, you are are warm, funny lady.

the man you mentioned in #39, damn, I forget what I wanted to say.....duh

Brain fart...big one, there were other things I wanted to say, but I forget, bless it!


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thanks janice, i'm hoping that you didn't feel SORRY for #39.


let me know. there was a LOT MORE to that picture than meets the eye



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  • Founder and Owner

Kim, I think you are funny. Since you are my friend I would have to affectionately call you one of my knucklehead friends. I cannot believe you actually wrote 100 things. I thought you were kidding! Cool idea, though! Now I really know you as a friend! smile.gif

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you know, if we had the ability to edit our comments, I wouldn't have to make another post.

Your #39 fellow, have you seen him since your make-over? Just wondering how your efforts were. No, I don't feel sorry for him, as far as what your experience was with him, but I do feel sorry for anyone who never is given opportunity to learn social graces. Does that make sense.

BTW, did you notice SMallory's new pic below his name? Does that mean he's a gorilla?


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as a matter of fact, YES. this happened in 1990. i hadn't seen him since 1991, he looked GREAT at the time. i saw him last year at a fast food restaurant and it's what i thought. no shirt, pot belly hanging over too tight pants, scraggly hair near his shoulders, and his new teeth were'nt in his mouth. he looked WOSRE than when i first met him. like i said, there's a LOT MORE TO THIS STORY, but let me just say that he is NOT stupid. a real con artist ( i'll blog about it one day)


yes, i guess he's supposed to be a gorilla. did you get your dizzy spell checked out?




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