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The children's Journey



This is a story from way back that I still enjoy:


In one unknown village it was the tradition of the children to climb a nearby mountain before they were allowed to become braves. This act would occur once a year, with those who could not make the entire journey trying again, and the new ones to attempt the journey. They had to go until they had to return due to exhaution and bring a plant from the point in which they turned around to return.


On the morning of the start of the journey an elder of the village gathered the children together and told them "Today you will attempt to climb the nearby mountain. If you succeed you will become a brave, if you fail you will return here next year to try again. Go until you can go no further, then take a plant from the area and return here with it."


The first child was sent out. He returned within a few hours with a water lilly. The elder looked at the child and told him "I see by the water lilly that you only got to the edge of the river. You are just starting your journey, and must take the steps of a baby until you can go further."


The next day the second child was sent out. The child returned two days later with a cactus. The elder looked at the cactus and told the child "I see by the cactus that you made it past the river and into the desert. You are well on your journey, but still have to reach the mountain."


The day after the third child was sent out. This child returned five days later with a thistle in his hand. The elder looked at the child and told him "I see by your thistle that you had reached the base of the mountain. Next year you will ready to start the hardest part of the journey and climb the mountain."


The following day the fourth child was sent out. He returned two weeks later with an oak branch in his hand. The elder grinned as he saw the child returning. "I see that you were half way up the mountain. Next year you will be ready to go and complete your journey."


The day after the last child was sent out. This child returned four weeks later with tears running down is face. "What is wrong?" asked the elder. The child looked up and told the elder "I got to the point in which I had to return, but found no plant to bring back". The elder responded "By your words and your empty hands I see that you have completed the journey and are ready to become a brave."


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