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Busy-ness is no excuse...



My, how busy it has been since Bill's return from the SNF...Many, many changes in his condition seem to make my life so busy that I am once again losing "me"...


As I think I may have blogged, Bill was started on an additional Alzheimer's medication called Namenda when he was most recently hospitalized. The great part is that he is much more alert, coversant and "with it". He is showing a sense of humor once again, is able to carry on a conversation and rather than sleeping about 16 hours a day, he is awake about 14 hours. He was also started on 5 mg. of Celexa, and since then his crying inappropriately has all but disappeared.


What has this all meant to me? His needs (demands?) seem to once again have increased, and everytime I come in to take a leisurely few minutes for myself to look at the board I hear the familiar "Baby, what are you doing?" Even though he may have seemed to be sleeping...it invariably happens. In fact, I just heard those words....It is difficult, because if I'm cleaning, washing clothes, ANYTHING other than on the computer he is satisfied - I think it's an emotional thing with him, and we are going to HAVE to work this out. Time, it will take time.


It is good to have him back to his old self in so many ways - mainly the intellectual Bill seems to be returning and we can carry on conversations. His memory had gotten so bad that he couldn't remember a sentence he wanted to say beyond about the 2nd word.


I am finding though that I miss being able to share here. It's all an inward thing, and he certainly isn't tying me down to keep me from the computer, but his mother says he's just like his dad - wanting my undivided attention. Not a trait that is particularly attractive, and for this naturally co-dependent person it's a situation I struggle with - guilt if I'm not right there, and resentment if I am!! (One Day at a Time...)


Bill will be celebrating his 57th birthday Friday. On the 25th of the month he will be two years post stroke - It's hard to know which "anniversary" to mark - the October 25th when he lost his ability to read, write and his vision on the right side or the March 21st date when he lost his short-term memory, developed aphasia and right-side weakness so we mark both dates. He certainly didn't expect to be living now. When he was younger he always told his family he wouldn't live past 55 - in many ways he was right. His life certainly changed and he lost so very much at 55.


I have to admit, I'm getting a little weary of "adjustments". Emotionally all this is taking its toll. It's very difficult to brace for the "worst" and then the exact opposite happens. So, I'm thankful and relieved for a time and then another bomb hits. That crisis passes and for a few weeks or months everything seems to be rolling along, then I am hit again. Recovery means different things to each survivor. In Bill's case, recovery has seemed to be more maintaining than regaining. Sue so aptly puts it when she says she is thankful for a few "good days". I'm very thankful for these good days and weeks, so I am taking advantage of them.


One of the good things that has happened is that we have received partial settlement of the class action suit of which Bill has been a part of having to do with Zyprexa and it's causing diabetes and it's residual affects. The first deposit was made to our checking account a week ago last Saturday, and of course the bank has a right to hold funds for 7 - 11 business days. In spite of a telephone number the attorney furnished, in spite of the fact that the result of their phone call revealed that money had been withdrawn and was transferring, the bank still hasn't released the funds. I was told Friday it would be today. Today it hasn't been released and I've been told it will be available tomorrow morning. It seems that nothing moves smoothly. My stress level has been so high - and I've been trying so hard to be patient, but it's hard. Another lesson for me to learn - will they never end?


OK - this is my life! Thanks to you all for your concern. I do take time to read the posts, and I've wanted to responds, but the time just fleets so quickly. I'm going to get better though at juggling all the responsiblities!!


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I think it may be a man-thing - their wanting to know what you are doing. It sometimes appears to me that Rob will be judging whether my time is being used at his acceptable level. Being on the computer likely doesn't.


Looks like there are lots of changes in your life.


Take Care -





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Glad to see you back. I was one of the ones getting nervous about your long absense from the board and blogs. I'm also glad to see the phrase, "better living through chemistry" can apply to Bill at this point in time. Don't you just love that Celexa? I can't quit singing its praises. I've never heard of Namenda but I'm glad they have some new things to try to help people in Bill's situation.


Would moving the location of your computer to the room where Bill spends most of his time help so that you could multi-task? I'd die without the internet to keep my mind off the mundane parts of caregiverhood and housewifehood. (Are those even real words?) I figure someday a laptop will be in my future again if Don gets where he needs me in the same room 24/7. Mine died. I'm lucky, I guess, because pre-stroke Don was used to me being connected to a computer keyboard everywhere we went back in those days. If he suddenly demanded my full attention, I'm coming to you for lessons.


Keep the faith and keep us updated from time to time.



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Good to see you back Annie, we have missed you. Glad to hear the good news that Bill is doing better.


Jean's idea seems like a good one, if you have a spot in the same room where Bill spends most of his time.. then you are still within seeing and talking distance. I got an inexpensive laptop, I only use for internet and a few computer games. So we are in the same room.


best wishes and lots of (((((hugs)))))))) Bonnie





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I third that, I am just off the bedroom here so if Ray takes a nap and when he goes to bed I am within call and can see and hear him from here. Luckily he has never wanted me right by his side and IS happy reading on our verandah so is no a problem that way.


Glad to have you back Ann, do keep coming here and if you could occassionally chat that would be great too as I am missing my midnight chats at the moment. From 29th we will be 16 hours apart time wise and that changes things too.


Hang in there girlfriend, sometimes life gives us a breathing space and life actually does get better.



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:friends: Thanks so much ladies! I do have a laptop with the "stuff" to hook it up to the cable - except I don't know what I've done with the long cable!! I may get there, but in a 1200' apartment I'm not ever really that far away! It's just a Bill thing and I need to get over it. Maybe when we get our new lazyboy I'll get my but in gear and get it taken care of!


Love you all,


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