good times
Ray and I just had a weekend in Sydney not at my daughter's place but in a hired unit on the same site. We all went down to see her and her husband commissioned in the Sydney Town Hall on Sunday as officers in the Salvation Army. It was a real big deal and we were both so proud of her. We had all our kids and grandkids there too so as a family we really did put up a good show of support. We love them heaps. I have had a struggle accepting that they are going to Cairns (1700 miles north of here) but I think I am there now. I really was able to rejoice with them at the weekend.
Ray enjoyed the weekend, he managed the two and a half hour trips each way very well. Trev drove us down. I was glad as traffic slid in and out of lanes on the busy roads that I was not behind the wheel. He takes it all, honks when honked at, making all the guestures used to express disapproval on the roads these days. You really have to be a road warrior to drive in the cities now.
On the Friday night there was a dinner for parents and each candidate could have a friend too, so we had us, and Craig's parents and a brother from each family too. There were mostly people in uniform , but as Ray and I and Craig's parents are not from the Salvation Army we just wore evening dress. We knew we were being awarded a "silver star" to wear as parents but also had some kind words of introduction written by our children. A lot of us had tears roll down our cheeks as we heard the words they had written.
Shirley wrote some lovely things about me. I will not quote them all as they are not appropriate here but was impressed that she said I was a strong woman of faith, had influenced her Christian journey and helped with her decision to find a worthwhile outlet for her wish to serve others. She quoted one of my favourite Bible verses:"Trust on the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths."( Proverbs 3;5-6).
After this she spoke about Ray and some of the struggles that Ray and I have faced since his strokes and said of Ray:"Although life is more challenging for him now, he still goes forward. From my Dad I have learned to look at life as a special adventure, to face each day with a smile and to try to live life as if every day has real meaning." I felt proud of my girl and teary at what she had written abut her father. It is rare that a tribute from a grown up child to a parent is heard this side of the grave and I am glad she had found the words to express what she sees in Ray's everyday struggle to maintain a regular life after so many strokes.
The rest of the weekend and today was filled with family things. It is most precious the times we spend together. Whenever the days ahead are tough I hope I can always recall the memories of these good times.
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