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The Computer Knows Best



I blogged yesterday. It was not a pretty sight. Funny thing is, I don't remember all that was in it - but I remember the feelings I had.


At the time the site was having problems it was suggested we go to Microsoft and download a patch. Somehow IE7 downloaded - my doing, I'm sure. Since that time I've been struggling with my computer freezing. Yesteray when I went to post my blog it happened. FREEZE....lost the blog. I think it was my computer doing for me what I couldn't do for myself. (That's a thought 12-step programs use, but I replaced "Higher Power with computer.)


Nothing has changed between yesterday and today - except me. For some reason I can be in such a funk one day, and the next day I'm fine. It's an inside job because the outside stuff hasn't changed.


I've been intrigued by the responses to Budweiser's question regarding our one Christmas wish. My wish is for acceptance - but not even in the stroke world. I've accepted the strokes and their ramifications long ago. I want to be able to accept some personal situations - not related to Bill, or Bill and me - that raised that ugly head over the week-end. I want to accept an attitude on the part of someone that is hurtful. I want to once and for all accept the fact that I don't have control over anyone or anything other than me and my attitude.


If I can master the technique of acceptance I'll be a more serene person. I won't have as many frustrating days because I'll be able to stop and ask the question, "how important is it?" before my mind goes crazy over what SHOULD BE instead of what IS. I won't waste my time thinking how much better I'd be at organizing this or that....I'll be thankful I didn't have to do it! I won't spend so much time whining!!!


I'd even make acceptance a New Year's resolution - but I don't do those things because it's an easy thing to resolve, and an easier thing to forget about it.


What a beautiful day it is here. After a frigid week-end (30's in North Carolina is frigid) it's already in the mid 50's and the promis of low 60's sounds really, really good. mmmmmmmm....



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hey Ann:


such a great resolution, I am planning to keep the same resolution for new year, and also do best to the max of my ability




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That's like a person who say "I'll just get drunk", well when they sober up, the same problem is still there.


A computer is my worse nightmare too! I got IE7, somehow, one day it started downloading by it self. I think its set on auto download. I'm still struggling to learn how to operate it.


I think the serenity prayer keeps me going around my house and in the way I see things in life.

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I can relate to the one day up, and one day down issue. Yesterday I was up, down and up again. How to control it sometimes is my main problem.


Acceptance of self, in all its glories and wonders, is something most people deal with, not just those who have medical conditions. I like your attitude though. I need a dose of that.



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I've learned from attending my alcoholic's AA meetings that recovering alcoholics are reminded that


1. to drink is to die

2. the first drink is what gets the alcoholic (our friends actually say drunks, but I won't presume that to be acceptible here!)

3. yes, go ahead and have that drink to help solve the problem, it won't go away though and now there's another one!


I'm sure you've noticed we are pretty immersed in both AA and Al Anon!! Stroke changes alot, but unfortunately it doesn't magically take alcoholism away. Thank God for spiritual as well as physical recovery!






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