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Our trip to Glasgow, Kentucky was a good one for us. We drove to Knoxville Thursday - a trip of around 260 miles. That was long enough for Bill. On Friday we went on to Glasgow, another 250 miles or so. Another ride through the mountains, as much of the previous day had been. I knew we'd be going downhill most of the rest of the trip since we just kept going up and up on our way.


The GPS system we'd gotten before the trip is so neat. We couldn't get over putting an address in and heading off with the directions offered. A couple of times I have to admit to making a turn before I was supposed to - most notorious when we arrived at Knoxville and I turned back on the ramp that lead me back east!!! Our little lady just told me I needed to make a u-turn when possible, then when we got to a next exit directed me off and back west. It's just fascinating. I programmed in for the shortest time, not shortest distance. That kept us on the freeway, not on the scenic mountainous route.


Sunday it rained ALL DAY. Have I ever mentioned how I detest driving in the rain? Bill was great though - so encouraging. Never a complaint. It was good. We had to take one little side-trip someplace through the mountains due to an accident. We didn't get close enough to see what was going on, but there were about 3 ambulances, a couple fire trucks and half a dozen police - I'm pretty sure all that county had to offer! We stopped again in Knoxville for the night and began our trip back on Monday.


Out of all the trip we had just one 'accident'. On our way from Knoxville home Bill insisted he didn't have to go, but while I was in the McDonald's using the restroom he got out and of course when he stood up he let loose. We went in the men's restroom in the handicapped stall and made the change. I called out asking if anybody was in the restroom on our way out, nobody answered and when I went out - whoops....I popped back in, the stall and closed the door but the man said it was ok - I couldn't see anything anyway!!! So off I went, a little redfaced I'm sure but happy to get out of there. It worked for me - and in case of emergency I'd do it again.


The surprise was on me at the wedding. Apparently my ex talked to Terri and told her to keep his coming a secret, in the meantime I'd told Toni the same thing. When we got in Friday and went to Terri's store to see her she told me he'd be there. No, I wasn't and am not happy that he was there. It was awkward and I've seen the pictures of the wedding posted on the internet with the pictures of him and his wife with the bride and groom. Of course, there aren't any of Bill and me since it was cold outside (the wedding was in a non-handicapped accessible gazebo outside the courthouse) and we went to the car when they began taking family pictures. This isn't easy for me. These are my brother's kids. There is so much history and I still have to process why he came - except that he has a new pick-up to drive. This is a whole different issue from stroke-support entirely, and I'll not go into it here. However, if anybody out there is planning a wedding - I'd strongly encourage omitting the exes of family members from the invitation list. Do something else with those people if you feel it important to do so. As I told my nieces, between them, their parents and me there are 10 ex spouses. (I have one.)Of all those people, it was important to invite mine. Whether or not he was invited, I believe one need not go just because an invitation is extended........once again it appears no respect was shown to me or my feelings.


As anyone reading this can see, I'm still processing it all. I'm glad we took this trip, it demonstrated that it can be done. It also demonstrated how much work it is!!! We had a good time together as we always do. We experienced the good, the bad and the ugly and got through it all - we are survivors!!!


Tuesday I was sick in bed. Probably exhaustion since I'd not slept. I have allergies and I think a fragrance I wore got to me since I started with my suspicious "allergy cough" Monday. Then, during the night I got up and broke into a cold sweat - that happened a couple more times, I finally got rid of some bile and began to mend. Don't know what it was, but I'm glad it didn't last and Bill didn't get it.


That's it for now - It's a beautiful morning here - sunny and 25 degrees (ouch).


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We also got new GPS and my joke with it, if you know where ou are goiing its awesome device but jokes aside I love GPS system and tell my hubby its best invention after mobile phone, though as a software engineer I can think of adding new features to it all the time or rather suggesting it to company.







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I know what you mean about knowing where you are going! It has been fun to learn how to use it - now if I can master Bill's ipod I'll be doing pretty well! I thought I was ok with technology, but boy - this is a challenge! And to think Apple has a new "all in one" telephone to be marketed this year - whew, those companies are making the $$$$!!

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What I'd like to know about GPS devices is do they take you right through inter cities if that happens to be the shortest way? Do they take into consideration things like high traffic areas like around airports and places like Disneyland and take you around stuff most people would avoid? And what if there is construction and you can't go the way it says to go?


I got a map routing from off Google recently and it was suppose to be the quickest way---what a mess of back roads and twists and turns! Great way to get lost. The routing they did for the shortest way was so direct and clean cut, I don't know why anyone would go the other.



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With the Magellan GPS I was able to request a route that was either shortest time or shortest distance. I requested shortest time. When we were leaving Glasgow for our return trip to Knoxville I requested shortest route - it led me to a road that said "Kentucky Scenic Route" - at which time I quickly went back to the GPS and requested the shortest time option again. The scenic route may have been shorter in distance but NOT in time.


I don't know of anyway construction can be charted, however, if you get in a construction area you can go in and get a reroute - or if you go in a different direction the GPS will guide you back to the route on which you'd originally started. A case in point was the detour we had to take due to an accident on the interstate. The police directed us and the GPS took over from there, guiding us back on the interstate.


In this case I didn't go anyplace I didn't want to go. Since going in to downtown areas is going to take a longer time to maneuver, I think choosing the shortest time option will reduce the possibility of getting into the downtown traffic situation.


I've really been led astray with online maps. AND, since Bill can't really navigate anymore the GPS is WONDERFUL in my opinion. We were both amazed that all we had to do was put the destination addess in and off we went. As long as I listened to the directions, instead of jumping ahead I was just fine. I was given ample advance notice of exits - beginning at the 2 mile mark - so I didn't have any trouble moving into the exit lane. PLUS, as soon as I made a move the next turn was indicated at the bottom along with the number of miles I'd travel before that turn.


Neat, huh? It may sound complicated, but it really is very easy to use.


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Wow! What a device. I used to be the map reader on trips and would get us there with no trouble but to drive and read a map at the same time doesn't work. I can see where the GPS can take the fear of of traveling with Don again. Thanks for the explanation.



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