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i'm in china!



hi everyone!...i'm so sorry that it's taken this long to get anything on this blog...there was an earthquake near taiwan the last week of december that damaged the undersea cables between hong kong and north america effectively knocking out the internet in all of mainland china...it took a long time to repair...it's up and running now...i'm a bit out of it with a mild cold so i'm not going to blog anything else today but i didn't want another day to go by without checking in with my buddies...there's a lot to relate as i've been here for 4 weeks already...see you soon...richxxx


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OH I am so glad to see your post. Just yesterday I was going through the blogs and wondering if all was well in China. I hope you get over the cold quickly and then can get back on and post some good news!

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hey Rich:


I was waiting eagarly for your blog about your china trip and acupunture, someone from there has contacted me and calling me, I told them to send me info.


how is it going there, how is acupuncture and therapy going, I myself from India, so I kind of scared of those countries they always talk a lot without substatantial evidence


so wanted to know your experience over there.




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