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traditional chinese medicine



i'm going to give you a look into the typical weekday here at the first teaching hospital for traditional chinese medicine in tianjin, china: a nurse takes a bp at around 6 - 6:20am...breakfast arrives between 7 - 7:15...i go to the gym at 8 for one hour...morning acupuncture is around 9:30...herbal soaks to the affected areas usually follow that along with cupping...lunch comes early at 11 - 11:15...there's a european-style siesta after that which usually lasts until after 1pm...afternoon acupuncture is around 2:30...massage is sometime after this...dinner comes around 5...herbs, both liquid and capsules are part of the daily treatment three times a day...


it's an amazing experience to have doctors enter my room twice a day with treatment protocols that they expect will return my lost function...it's the polar opposite experience that i have had more times than i care to recall with american neurologists who not only had nothing to offer me but took from me by the ignorant innacurrate feedback that they so willingly and carelessly rendered...most of us are stroke survivors here on the international 12th floor...one patient from pakistan has ms...after being here for 4 weeks i can genuinely say that i'm where i need to be...i'm grateful that i had the wherewithall to make this possible for myself...


my arm is showing signs of regaining function!...last week for the first time since last february i was able to raise my arm about 8 inches...i'd love to report that it's all coming back as quickly as it left but it ain't so...

but what is so is that my walking is improving and the promising movement in my arm has me gladly following their recommendations...i'll be here for a minimum of 3 months, maybe more...there are many more details i'll be blogging about regarding the treatments...until next time, stem cell china richxxx









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I am glad to hear from you and things are going well. I have been checking for you everyday. Yeah, Rich. Go, Rich, Go. (That is my version of a cheer.) :cheer:



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I've been looking for updates also. Wishing you well and glad to hear there is improvement. I know you are working hard. It is good to have the Dr's working with you.


Best Wishes, Take Care,

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