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Our Little Boy is Home!



Ponsonby is home.

We went down to Vineland on Friday to look at some houses (we are planning on moving from North Jersey to south some time in the smmer).

After the traipsing around we then went to get our little boy. He's grown!!

He's such a sweety. He has one blue eye & one brown. The breeder gave us all the paperwork & some food for him & then we set off.

He did not enjoy being in the crate. First he poohed in it & then was sick. All this before we were even an hour into our journey. We drove the rest of the way (after a stop at a pharmicists to pick up wet wipes!) with him on my knee. Not terribly safe but he seemed less worried then & wasn't sick after that.

When we got home we let him sniff about & he seemed to have settled remarkably well.

We had a bit of whinging at night but not a great deal. He seems to enjoy his crate. We leave the gate open so he can get in & out during the day (only closing it at night).

We were worried that Libby (aged 4) would try to smother him with love, but she seems to have settled too. She hasn't picked him up & although wants to cuddle him all the time, she is being good.

HE seems to have settled right in & all is well in the Snow household.

Now on to the next adventure!!!




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In a household of snows I would have named the puppy, 'flake.' :D


Take him around the block at least once a week in the car to get him used to travel so he doesn't get fearful of car trips. Otherwise even trips to the vet can be traumatic. Get him used to tiny trips like that and build them up. Our last two dogs have been all over the United States, good travelers, but you do need to gently ease many dogs them into it as puppies.



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We had a fur covered hot water bottle and the ticking clock for Cooper. They worked like a charm though it took around a month for him to quit crying when the water bottle cooled off and would sleep the whole night though.



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We couldn't call him Flake we already have a Snowflake!! That's what the nurses called Victoria when she was born & it's been her used name ever since!


Today (Sunday) we actually drove back down to Vineland (to look at houses AGAIN!). We took Ponsonby with us & he was fine all the way there (2 1/2 hours & all the way back too).


Doesn't even whimper in his crate at night any more. Only did that one night! I lie, he's doing it now.

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Great ... sounds like all is going well. Our dogs LOVE to go for rides.


It is good to take them for rides other than just rides to the vet..


He will whine a bit off n on, but he sounds like he likes being Ponsonby Snow and has new family to play games with. Many happy and fun filled years with your newest member.


(We babysat our "grand-dog "Dusty" a Brittany this weekend. lol

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