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Been dealt a better hand



Yesterday was a busy day, driving to Duluth and back in snow. But the news was good. Went to OT for the Saeboflex. She asked how I was doing, hadn't seen her in over a week. I smiled and said let me shake your hand. We shook hands, she started really laughing, and the Saeboflex never came out of the bag. As we left, she asked if I needed any adjustments to the Saebo, I laughed and said you are talking to the Gizmo, Gadget Guy. She laughed and said just keep on doing what you are doing. I will.


What she did spend her time doing was a new (to me anyway) therapy called something like Grafton I think. she spread a cream on my fingers and messaged each knuckle, then used a metal rod to work out the bad stuff. I think she called it facia or something like that. I was more interested in the results she was achieving than the names of the therapies. The good news: my fingers moved almost into a complete fist (90%). I thought the thumb had full range of motion before, but it really does now. Could even bend the index finger at the last joint. Absolutely amazing. The bad news: This morning some of the movement has been lost, I suspect the bad stuff facia? has moved back in, she said it will take time. Next time I'll be more agressive about moving the fingers the rest of the day after the treatment. I got lazy. I guess. I am confident that additional treatments will continue to restore my finger movement. I'll write more about this as I do it. She said she just went to a weekend seminar on this in January. I thanked her for giving up her weekend, I appreciate the results.


On to the Dr. appt, actually she is a PA, but many years of stroke experience. All the numbers look great, a few potential clouds on the horizon, (don't we all have some), but nothing of immediate concern. She did ask me to speak at an OT conference in Oct and also a stroke survivor conference in Oct. Assuming I can get to Duluth then I'll do it. Not sure what I have to say that would help anyone, but if asked I'll try. I also gave her several websites, including this one, to look at. I also told her about several gizmo's and gadgets she had not heard about. Amazing how much info is available to us today.


Long entry today. sorry. But talking to the Drs I now talk to I realize that we, and our caregivers are our own best advocate. We must be deeply involved in our own care. We get 15-30 min a month with a Dr. We have hours every day to do our own research. We must educate ourselves so that we at least know the right questions to ask. The time with medical professionals is precious, spend it asking the right questions, not talking about our grandchildren as we all want to do. For those unable to do your own research, this forum is a great place to start.


I found the same thing with my first wife and her breast cancer and diabetes. By the time she died, I could have probably taught a diabetes education class. During her cancer treatments, I found new treatments even her Oncologist didn't know about, and he offered to try and get her into them. In the end, it didn't matter, she died anyway, but she was the first in our area to get a device implanted in her chest so I could vacuum out the fluid building up around her lungs at home. Not tooting my own horn, this is not about me, it is about each of us taking control as much as possible of our own situation. As I started my research on this new affliction in my life, I told my wife I don't want to chase straws, but I don't want to overlook a straw that might help me, either.


Man have I been blessed. Two great wives in one lifetime. How lucky can one guy be? 28 years with the first one and I hope at least as long with the second one. I don't do this marriage thing very often.


Anyway, the sun is rising over a few fresh inches of overnight snow, temp is -5 outside, and I get my Neuromove today. It qualifies as a gizmo, since it is pretty complicated. I hope this simple brain of which there is now less, can figure it out. Didn't have much brain to start with, really can't afford to lose anymore. As chatty as I get, I am sure I'll have lots to tell about the Neuromove. Also have several other gadgets to talk about in the future, but enough for today.


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Every blog of yours I have read I enjoyed and it made me think. Please keep blogging, you are clearly a man of wisdom and peace.


Kind regards,


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I completely enjoyed your blog and I must confess- the first one I've read of yours too. To me, educating oneself on stroke recovery and perservering and working hard on rehabbing ourselves goes a very long way in recovery. Survivors such as yourself are inspirational to all the other survivors out there, that may not have discovered the secret to a positive progressive recovery.

Way to go!


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Thanks for the very kind words. It inspires me to keep onkeeping on. In the future I want to start getting us to "think outside the box" and not focus all day, everyday on our condition, but rather focus on the world we live in and how we still fit into it. Thanks one and all!

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