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Just a quick check-in...



Howdy folks...I got a PM from someone and decided to check-in and give you a quick update. I hear from Bonnie regularly which is nice.


I am through the half-way point of the spring semester...almost done with my first year here at SIUE. So far so good. Things could be improved in terms of my teaching and I wish I could get more research done...last fall emotionally killed a lot of my momentum...but overall its been a good year here.


The kids are doing great. Margaret is doing violin lessons and is doing very well. She loves it and certainly has the talent for it. She's also finishing swimming lessons and started playing soccer this spring. My current girlfriend is helping coach her team so its great they have some time together. Sam stopped violin lessons...has a hard time standing still so I think he needs to be a bit older. I started him with Gymnastics which is LOVES! That seems to be his "THING" which is good! He's also going to play soccer too, starting this Saturday.


My new relationship is going well. I'm very happy. Kind of surprising considering where things were a year ago, but keeping my heart and mind open helped. Also getting the help I needed to support me was good too. We both honor the pain we felt from the breakups of our past relationship and keep an open dialogue about that.


I don't really think much about Jane any more. Things popped up a few weeks ago. I had emailed her in January asking when she thought she could return my things because she was supposed to have returned to Colorado after her stint in outpatient rehab in Massachusetts. I didn't hear from her for about 6 weeks so I resent the message telling her I assumed she wasn't ignoring my email but was simply not checking email so I forwarded it to her two colleagues who I knew would make sure she got the message. Sure enough she emailed me two days later. It was sort of a surreal message...very cold and distance. Not sure how much was the impact of the stroke versus her being who she is...not sure it matters any more anyway. The gist of the email was that "It was unfortunate how things ended between us." (probably the closest thing I'll get to an apology...ah well...)...she had brain surgery at some point last fall I guess so she had to stay in Massachusetts longer than expected and had only just returned to Colorado in the beginning of the month. She returned MOST of my things but she said she'd sort through the rest of the things when she moved back to her farm full time. Lastly, she asked if we could be colleagues... While that sounds weird, in my letter to her last fall I made it clear I was not interested in being friends...colleagues was a reasonable request because we run in the same academic circles and it would be awkward if that created a ruckus between us. I told her we were colleagues, but nothing more as the hurt will always be with me, even though I've moved on, and that I needed to protect my children from being hurt again. I've heard nothing since but that's fine...I didn't expect it nor wanted or needed it. I got my things back which was the closure I expected. NO, I'll never know why things changed...maybe one day she'll share but I've stopped hoping for it. And I'm OK...


I hope you guys are good...I miss hearing your voices! It is just too hard to come back here with any regularity as it opens up all the old hurt and wounds, but it isn't personal and I am grateful for all the love and support I got here. I'll check in on occasion but don't hesitate to PM me if you want!


XO Robyn


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I am so happy that you updated us about your life, I knew it you will be fine, if you would give yourself chance to move on with life, I still feel it was Jane's big loss, why worry about why it happened, just be sure whatever happens it happens for best of you and your family's interest. I am glad you met loving partner who is involved in your child's team. kids do pretty well when parents are coaches or involved in their life, my son loves soccer, no activity should conflict with his soccer and ski



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Thanks Asha...I miss you and your words of wisdom! I hope "kiddo" is doing well...sounds like he is and I have no DOUBTS he is because he has an AWESOME mom!


Yes...I think it is Jane's big loss too. But we all make choices...sometimes they are ill-informed...sometimes they are well-informed, but either way we have to live with those choices. I am sorry she had the stroke...she didn't deserve that, but her actions after that were totally her choice... I hope one days she remembers how much I loved her and would have stood by her until the end.

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So glad to see your update. Things are going well for you; that is good, you deserve happiness.

You've been able to obtain closure and open up doors and windows of your new life. I'm thrilled for you.


Take care,



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hey Robyn:


another great wisdom I learnt last weekend from our spiritual teacher, we live life according to our destiny, but we all have freewill of choices which will move our life in different direction, and I am sure Jane took wrong decision to steer her life in different direction, but at the same token look at bright side in every situation. I am so happy for you.



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EXACTLY! I do try to look on the bright side and also look at the lesson to learn from each experience. I learned amazing things about myself and about what was important to me. I left my heart open, and my new friend Shauna walked in! I'm so blessed!! There is something of value in each and every experience we have...good or not so good...the trick is to have an open heart to find the lesson and allow it to enrich your life! That's not to say it won't hurt and be ugly at times...and it may look like there is no end in sight, HOWEVER, it is there...we just have to be patient.


I hope Jane heals and I hope she can return to the life she wants...I hope one day she understands what she threw away...



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Glad to see your update here. Also very happy things are going well.


"They" say when a door closes a window opens.. sometimes we have to look for the window. When we "hurt" sometimes it takes awhile to see the GREATER Good that come out of it.


If Jane's "brick wall" is solid she may never undetstand what her losses are. she can't see over it.


Yeah for Margaret and Sam.. I have 4 grandkids.. in sport and band and activities. they range frome 4 to 14.. they are a GREAT JOY to us.


take care... warmly, Bonnie

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Had to say "Hi". Was that you who had a birthday last week or so? If so, hope it was happy, no, I'm sure it was. Lots has happened with me in the short time you weren't here - in general, as you know, life goes on. The weather here is beautiful. Did your parents return North to live or are they still in that weird area where people live not in a named sub-division but in R section, S section, C section etc. That always gives me a laugh.


I recently heard a brother and sister playing the violin; the boy was the elder - maybe 13. He was very good. The sister was also good and with more years may be as good, but who knows. MY Dad starting teaching violin when he was 9 years old; I lasted 6 weeks at about 11. :roflmao: Just wasn't my thing. As they say, To each his own...........


Keep enjoying life and your new relationship. You know we all wish you the best. After all, you're part of our family.



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Thanks Phyllis...YES, it was my birthday...March 16th. I turned 44! It was great and I was spoiled rotten by my girlfriend...I enjoyed EVERY minute of it!


So what can PM me or email me!! Fill me in!


Yes, my parents still live in the W sector! They hate it there and want to move back north in a few years...closer to the grandchildren! We'll see what happens. I had hoped to get down there for a conference in February but it didn't happen. I'm submitting something for an October conference in Ft. Lauderdale...maybe I'll get down there in the fall.


I'm not great musically it but I'm not good at it. I'd rather just listen, you know?!! :roflmao:


It's all good...I'm enjoying life and I'm so glad to still be a part of this family!!!

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I was one of those emails as I was thinking of how you were doing with yourself these days. I was updating a topic you had commented on.


Take care and we will look for a post or blog from you as time permits. If you saw one (PM) from fking that's me, aka scooterman, now the welcome committee host.


Make your comment on the final four, basketball, and who's the father of nicole's baby daughter posted on the board if you get a moment.

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Scooterman...I didn't realize you were the same person!!! Thanks my was great to get the message!!! It certainly brought me back for a check-in. I will definitely comment on the final four and father of Nicole's kid!!!'s Bud??? How are you??? My house STILL hasn't sold...did you send your mojo my way???!! :lol:


Boy do I miss you guys!!!! :hug:

Link to comment's Bud??? How are you??? My house STILL hasn't sold...did you send your mojo my way???!!



Bud and I are doing great :Clap-Hands:


I sent my mojo but maybe it was frozen because of the cold in Canada!!!! :big_grin:



Keep looking at, it should be there soon............ :giggle:

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OK...I'll keep looking for it. Maybe now with the spring thaw it will shine through!!! It's been almost a year since the house went on the market...I hope someone has an interest in it soon! :(


My new girlfriend has a dog named Lola...she's adorable...I love having a dog around again!

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OK...I'll keep looking for it. Maybe now with the spring thaw it will shine through!!! It's been almost a year since the house went on the market...I hope someone has an interest in it soon! :(


My new girlfriend has a dog named Lola...she's adorable...I love having a dog around again!



Good Luck with the house.


"Lola", is that the song... :big_grin: I like the name and yes, it's empty without a dog. :blush:



Type at you soon. :party:

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YUP...that's where I got the idea for the dog name...from the song... "la la la la LOLA!!!" My son loves her too...he needed a dog in his life!

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