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eating binge



i binged and purged from the ages of 15 to 28. that's how i stayed thin. after chest pains and an ekg, i was told by my 300 lb doctor that if i didn't quit, the heart arythmia would turn into "heart stop", so i reluctantly stopped, little by little. the BAD thing was that my body was in "starve mode" so EVERYTHING i ate made me get fatter and fatter until i was obese. sad.gif


after many years of struggle, i have gotten my weight and my binge purge problem under control, for the most part. HOWEVER, beginning last friday night i have been eating like there is no tomorrow until yesterday. i think it was a "trigger" food. it all started out with a can of anchovies. they looked innocent enough. dry.gif



i have eaten the following since last friday until tuesday.



anchovies, lasagne( and lots of it) a loaf of french bread, a roast ( 3lb), 2 boxes of macaroni, several plates of spaghetti, a dozen eggs, a lb of bacon, several plates of pancakes and syrup, 3 wendy's cheeseburgers( doubles,all the way) a bag of french fries, 2 gallons of icecream, a box of cookies, 8-10 candy bars, bag of m&m's (1lb bag), shrimp alfredo ( the WHOLE pot), a pot of chilli, 2 bars of cheddar cheese, a cheesecake, pack of hotdogs( 8 pack ), bucket of kfc( 12 piece) with the 3 large side orders and biscuits, 12 taco bell supreme tacos, 10 krystal chicks, 2 double whoppers from burger king, 2 mcdonalds double quarter pounders, 3 large roast beefs and 3 orders of cheese sticks from arby's, and several 2 liter cokes. there may be more that i already had at home but can't recall. it's STAGGERING!!!!! nono.gif


i know most of this, not from memory, but because i save all receipts for tax purposes since i'm self employed. if i turn in THESE receipts, i'm afraid i'll be audited for fraud!!!!! somehow i managed NOT to purge unless you count the otc laxatives and taking my dad's lasex. the question is, WHY? i'm not really sure but i have been under some stress. it has taken several quarts of water and the pills i just mentioned and a day and a half of "recovery" to feel normal again. it's crazy. uhm.gif


anyway, it doesn't make me feel good to do this except at the moment. i'm only having water and juice for a few days to "cleanse the system". i hope i can find the strength not to do this again. the last time was nearly three years ago. i just don't get it. oh well, i'm considering it a "slip" and moving forward. it is therapeutic to write it down. and SHOCKING for me to actually see it in print. wub2.gif







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The joys of confort food smile.gif


You've had a eating disorder in the past, and on the sub-concious level when things get to out of whack it's conforting to go back to a familiar habit or state.


Just let out a big burp and try to control the stress as best you can.



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Anchovies. Yuck!!!!!



Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Charles beer.gif

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A pot of chili? I won't even say what I'm thinking... If it will make you feel any better, I've been snacking like crazy for days. Something I just don't do. I've gone years without having snack food in the house, now it's everywhere. They say you control what you can. Eating is number one with most people.


As soon as I eat all this junk, there will be no more in the house for a while. But a pot of chili? You go girl, and go, and go...

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