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Back after 2 week break



I have just returned from a 2 1/2 week holiday with Greg and 4 of our friends. It was absolutely fantastic - we had so many laughs!! We took a trip to a beach resort in Mozambique and our daily activities included scuba diving, reading, tanning, drinking and eating!!! Even I got to do a dive. Granted, Greg was never more than a ruler length away from me the whole dive, but I managed just fine! Even before stroke I wasn't really a confident diver, so I thought I did really well. Another thing I noticed was that a year ago, walking on beach sand was really difficult for me as my bad ankle always wanted to twist the wrong way, well this time, it was a lot easier so my ankle must be improving. Bring on those heeled shoes!!! But now it's back to the grindstone. Roll on the next holiday!

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Wow, Vix, scuba diving is so what Ray wanted to do after his stroke. But he never had a buddy to go with. Glad you have Greg to be by your side. And the news about being able to walk on sand means next summer can be the sand, surf and sea lifestyle for you. Congratulations on how far ye have come. Working and living life to the full as you do you really are a great example.


Seems like life is coming back to a new normal for you and one very worth living! I am sure there are many more great holidays ahead for you.


Sue. :chat:

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