Vix's Blog

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What I've been up to...



I thought I would drop in after a long absence. There have been quite a few changes here at work - I now have 2 bosses and our internet use is monitored so long periods on Strokenet are over for me. Anyway, I am still going to PT twice a week and a couple of visits ago I JUMPED up a small step as part of a miniture circuit - JUMPED! I was so excited!!!!! I am still battling with hyper-extending my knee when walking, but maybe that will sort itself out eventually. I am studying part time, I go to classes every Sat morning. I am now doing a Financial Accounting course and boy - its a lot harder than I expected, so these old brain cells are really working overtime!!! It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and I got the best present - my Sister and her husband surprised me by coming to visit for the weekend. We had a really cool time and I can't wait to see her again over the Xmas period.


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Glad you had a good birthday and congrats on the jump!!! Keep up the good work - before you know it, you'll be jumping all over the place and we'll have to change your user id to "energizer bunny" Best of luck with the accounting class.

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hey vix:


so glad you came and updated us, we do wonder fondly on our friends who are moving on and doing great with post stroke life, though it also gives inspiration to others to see life goes on.


belated happy birthday




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