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Another Stroke



Rob wasn't feeling well in Kodiak and he came home early. By the time I saw him he was walking really slow and lost quite a bit of use of his arm. We thought it was because he had been sick with the flu, and stuck in the tent at camp, that immobilized him for almost ten days. Shortly after he came home I went to SFO for a couple days and when I got back he had made improvements, however not significant. I also noticed when I got back that he had some very slight cognitive changes - and I couldn't understand why he would have cognitive changes. Although he was certain nothing was wrong with him, he agreed to go to the doctor, which led to an MRI, and then back in the hospital. The MRI showed he had another stroke in the same area as his first, just a little farther forward. At this point they know his left internal carotid artery is occluded (how is that for medical talk?). Lot of more tests to figure out why this happened to him. His first stroke was thought to have been caused by a PFO, that was closed in December. I guess we will find out how somebody with no risk factors (low cholesterol, no smoking, not overweight) can get an occluded carotid artery.


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so sorry to hear about Rob's stroke, lucky that it was in same area and not somewhere else. what does occulded artery means? and how do they fix it,




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That means the artery that goes to his brain, on the left side is totally blocked. Today I hope to get the news from the vascular surgeon on what if anything that they will do about this. Yes, we are fortunate that this didn't knock him down as bad as the last time, and it took the same side out as last, which is good. The new deficit that he is showing is inappropriate emotional response - as he is laughing at things that one normally wouldn't laugh at. Rob said he could get medicine for that, and my response was, why? This is kind of fun. We'll know more today about his test results.


Bring your warm clothes (polar fleece) and good quality rain gear on your cruise - sorry to say but we've had a cold spring. It's still in the 40's and 50's. But, it will likely be a beautiful trip.



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Sorry to hear about Rob having another stroke. On the upside thank goodness no horrible deficits from this one.


He will be in my thoughts and prayers that the occlusion issue is quickly resolved.



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Ray's five strokes have all fired along the same line. The neurologist says this is because he has a narrowed artery in one spot and the clots are trapped by that. He says as the area of dead cells increases this causes other deficits to occur.


Sorry this is happening to Rob. There is always one more thing to cope with post-stroke, it never really seems to be "over". And having a stroke doesn't stop you from having other things go wrong. As the saying goes :"life is a lottery".


I am sure Rob will recover from this one as he did from the last, the cognitive after affects do seem to linger though.



(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I, too, am sorry to hear about Rob's set back. The way he works at his recovery I'm sure he'll be his old self in no time at all. Hope all the tests help figure all this out and offer some solutions to keep it from happening again. You two will be in my thoughts.



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I hope you get your answers from vascular surgeon, it saddens me sometime about why sh*t happens, but I think if it doesn't then we all b so constipated. I am sure since Rob is so hard working he will be back to his old self in no time. thanks or your tip about Alaska trip. hope to see you both in our next Alaska trip




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