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The sun is shining again

Aussie Ken


After a lot of rain over the past couple of weeks the sun has been shining for the past few days, but the ground is satuated, so there won't be any soccer for the kids again this week. That will be 3 games now they will have to make up. One good thing is at least i won't get bogged tring to get around the park so that i can watch them.

After my visit to the rehab doctor the other week i will be seeing the Speech people this week. I find that i have impaired vocal range in that my voice is quite like a mouse or roaring like a bull, with not much in between. very frustrating.

The walking has been coming on very slowly but at least the balance is a lot better and not leaning to my left as much.

My physio has added some more excercises to my programme which i can do buy myself whist doing my daily stand.


Have a great day and remember keep smiling that way people will wonder what you have been upto.



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Hey Ken!


The sun is shining here too and I finally got the tree branches etc out so the council could pick them up. They did yesterday and now I just have the raking up the leaves to do. Some rain has fallen in the catchment area too so that is a little pressure off the water users. I have a 1000 gallon tank for the garden but think I'll leave it a while before I water...lol.


Soggy playing fields are a nuisance, I remember that from when our boys played football. Usually they just shorten the competition so that they fit it in before the cricket season. Ray has a flat "plug" that he uses on his walking stick when we have to cross soggy ground, of course that doesn't work with the quad stick which he is using at present.


Try to get outside as much as you can. I know the sun seems to make so much difference to Ray's mood ( and mine too come to that). He is so much happier when he can get out onto the front verandah for a while. I won't take him shopping etc when it is pouring with rain either so we both get that shut-in feeling.


I'm smiling like a fool, Sue. :big_grin:

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Glad you guys are getting some sunshine. Hope it continues - wish I could send you some of ours - here in Arizona (Phoenix Metro areas), we've had nothing but sunshine and hot. Of course that's life in the desert..I just smile as I'm wiping away the perspiration.

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Dear Ken--So glad you got rain. That will help the drought Australia has been experiencing...has it been for the past (5) years??? Or have my brain cells gone awry again?


In my part of the country, we have had low humidity and wonderful sunny weather. Unheard of in the middle of June. I have been savoring it every second. Take Care. LK

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