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more brain cells died than I thought



Reading Spacie 1's blog I couldn't help but chuckle. A few days ago I took Tippy and our boat to a nearby lake I know pretty well. Fortunately my stroke affected my left side and I am right handed, so I can still cast fairly well. A few times fish have knocked the rod out of my hand and I nearly lost it, but I am getting better. Anyway to the story. I was casting near a shoreline I have not fished before when a nice sized bass took my lure. The fight was on but he went into some underwater brush, and I lost him and my lure. Oh well, just part of fishing I thought. So I rebaited, cast into a nearby area, and wham, another nice bass took my lure, back into the same brush, and another fish and lure lost. Two casts, two fish and lures lost. After talking it over, Tippy and I decided I couldn't afford to stay there any longer, so we left! I now seem to be a slower learner, in the past I would have left after one lost lure, this time it took two. Whats that old saying, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".


On the way out, I was using my electric motor and going slowly, because the lake is quite rocky. I waited until I was in 10 feet of water, then started the larger gas motor. Cruising along, all is well, 10 feet of water, then pow, a rock jumped into my way and the motor stopped. Tippy and I decided it was time enough to go home, only two bass on the stringer and we used the electric motor to slowly get back.


Putting the boat back onto the trailer was a challenge, and I have the bruises to prove it. Had to finally wade out and get wet, try not to fall over, Tippy being a Springer Spaniel was loving the water, and we finally got out of there after a conversation with the local game warden who checked all my papers, counted my fish, and wished me well.


I got home, fixed the motor (simple repair, only a shear pin), cleaned the fish, gave them to an elderly neighbor, ordered two new lures to replace the lost ones, showered and napped.


Tippy was so funny. She needed to go potty while we were out in the boat. I went ashore, but it was very rocky and lots of trees and brush. No place for her to run and find a suitable place. Standing on a large rock she cocked her head as if to say, OK daddy, what do I do now? I told her pee pee, and so she just squatted on the rock and did her business. Most of the rest of the time she just slept at my feet. Barked at a few eagles that buzzed us, licked a few fish for the first time, licked some water up that found it's way into the boat, helped daddy eat his snacks, and just generally enjoyed her first fishing adventure with daddy. She also got to see her first deer. As we left our house, a doe and two fawns walked in front of us in the driveway. I stopped, Tippy looked, so did the deer, then we all went our ways.


All in all, a great day, and a reminder of why I work so hard at my exercises and live the life we do.


BTW, we saw no other boats or people on the lake, save a lone kayaker passing by. Coffee cup is empty, must refill it now.


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Congrats on your expedition! I can picture the look on Tippy's face as she had to go potty. Glad Daddy and "daughter" had a good time with minimal repair costs to the motor.

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Morning George,


I see Tippy is being loved more and more by you each day and becoming a true sidekick. Keep on teaching Tippy the ways of the nature and how to react and you will end up with a incredible buddy, one willing to watch, wait and react to your subtle signs.


You are a true survivor and someone who shows us what plain old hard work and dedication to a goal can achieve.


Really having trouble with my words today so will end for now.


Kind regards,


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