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Is This As Good As It Gets?



As I last posted, Rolly is now 2 years past stroke (actually 2 years and nearly 3 months!)


Is this as good as it gets?


I'm thinking so.


Short term memory is shot to hell.


Patience level is extremely lowered.


Get's confused and overstimulated.


How do I put this one...........virtually no interest in sex.


Every day we start over, apologize for yesterday's mistakes, and vow to make this a "good day". But most days it still seems like I'm giving 99.9% and he's giving .01%.


I think I'm still in "denial" sometimes.


He is a different person.


He has changed.


He does have diminished capacities.


Darn it, this isn't how life was supposed to turn out!




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You are so right....this isn't how life was supposed to turn out! I don't think any one of us prayed for stroke to enter our lives. I know I sure didn't. But, this the hand I've been dealt. It's normal to slump into the "is this it mode". Try to remember how far the 2 of you have come since the 1st day stroke entered your life. Obviously, after a time, progress does slow down to a snail's pace or seems to be 2 steps forward and one back.


Has there been any changes in medication or med levels? Or perhaps there has been a tolerance built up of a med. Check with a doc.

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sometime you do feel down about how life have turned around for you guys, but look at the blessings, hw far you both have come together, for me love and respect for my partner has increased 100 folds for me. I couldn't have come so far without him being on my side.


celebrate each moment you got with each other.




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This is it.


For better or worse,


For richer for poorer,


In sickness and in health.


I said that at 21, live it out in real life now at 60.


For as long as it takes.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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