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Another day of fishing



A short entry today. To those who were kind enough to comment on yesterdays marathon story, I answered your comments on that blog. Thank you. Today so far, a good day. Last night Lesley and I booked mom's trip from New Zealand to here in August. She will stay until mid November. I can already taste the bread from the oven and other goodies she always fixes. She will be staying in Los Angles for a few weeks on each end of the trip visiting relatives there.


Today I am off to another lake with a friend. This we hope will be a special day. This lake is not fished apparently at all. To entry point is completely grown over. It has the local reputation of being full of small northern pike and nothing else. The DNR surveys have revealed nothing else. We went there a few weeks ago just to chase small pike and have some fun. To our surprise, my friend lost a huge walleye. It was so large I tried to net it for him (not an easy thing to do from the front of a canoe), and it was too large to fit in his small net and got off. We both were speechless. Shortly thereafter a large one followed my lure right up to the canoe and scared the #@%$# out of me.


Getting into this lake is a challenge. It is all weeds, muck, mud, trees, etc, at the edge. I am taking some plywood scraps along so we can stand on them with a shovel and make our own path in. We plan to do it in another area away from the present landing, so as not to be easily seen by others. We would just as soon keep this one our secret if possible and let all the locals continue to think the lake is full of small pike. Walleyes are a prized fish up here, and if found out, the lake, which is small would see a lot of fishing. My friend and I are sworn to secrecy.


At least today I won't be alone, still no cell phone coverage, (I don't have one anyway, they don't work in most areas here), but my friend will be with me. We plan to fish until dark or after, that is the best time for walleyes, or until we limit out if we are so lucky. We are going in at noon, just to give us time to hack our way in, and once there use my portable depth finder to learn the lake and find the promising spots hopefully.


Well, I promised this would be a short story and so it shall be. Time to get my gear ready, I will be taking a larger net today.


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