It's 2 weeks tomorrow!!!
Yes, seems hard to believe but we'll have been in Pittsburgh 2 weeks tomorrow (7-30). We're basically unpacked, except for bedrooms and things to be hung on the walls. We're to use special hangers so as not to damage the walls with nail holes - we need more of them. The bedrooms are still a work in progress awaiting the bedroom furniture. Kristi is presently using an airmattress while I have a twin bed that is a wooden frame with storage below. I'm so short and the bed is so high that my feet don't touch the floor when I sit on the side of the bed lol.
The railing on the right side of the stairs was installed so I can now navigate independently up and down the steps - Yeah!!! :Clap-Hands: :happydance:
Kristi is learning to cook on a gas stove - all we've ever had was electric. We make a good team in the kitchen - it helps the kitchen is big enough for both of us to manuever. Yesterday, we collaborated in brunch - ham and cheese omlets - yummy. My brother bought us a Magic Bullet - great fun planning what we're going to create.
Temp wise, big difference from Arizona. Feels good not to break into a sweat just by breathing. I don't feel cooked anymore :microwave: . Mid 80's is quite a bit more comfortable for us versus 100+ temps.
Kristi did ask if she could go back to Arizona - stating she's learned her lesson and will be good. She speaks to her friends back there on a daily basis. She does ask me frequently if I'm happy here and if there's anything about Arizona I miss. There is NOTHING or NO ONE that I miss enough to want to go back there. Once school starts here (Aug 27th), she'll be busier with new friends and homework to pass her time. She's gotten to spend fun time with her cousins as well. My Bro has a boat and has taken the kids out for rides as well as lunch.
Crystal is doing great though she has a scar on her nose from the boo-boo she inflicted on herself trying to escape the carrier on the plane. She remains petrified of storms and here has all kinds of places to hide out when the thunder and lightening arrive.
Our neighbors appear friendly - some have already welcomed us and introduced themselves.
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