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Doing well



Another week has cruised by. Finally got pics uploaded to my computer and site that my Cousin took the day after we arrived in Pittsburgh. Once all is said and done we'll do "final" pics.


Yesterday, Sat, we went to a grad party with my Brother. It was great fun. We met many people who are dear and close friends of Joe's. I was overwhelmed, at times, with meeting everyone and trying to remember names. The party was an outdoor affair with tents, fantastic food, and desserts as well. I was fun 2-fold for me - being with everyone plus getting out of the house - getting me and the w/c off the property has not been mastered but has improved from when we first arrived.


The other night in chat, I had mentioned a belief of mine and Kristi's. We are firmly of the belief there is a ghostly presence in the house. The lady (Mary Ann) who owned the house prior to my nephew buying it, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 67. Kristi told me she had been told that Mary Ann passed away in my room. After I heard this, I began to tell Kristi what I had experienced several times since moving in (seeing an image pass by a doorway) plus seeing "someone" glowing-like at the bottom of the steps at night. Mary Ann loved cats and at one time had a dark-colored cat. One evening, after I was in bed, Kristi was on the computer and saw a cat walking under diningroom table. Our Crystal was sleeping in the livingroom at the same time. For the most part, Crystal will NOT go upstairs at night. If Kristi carries her up, she will stay a moment or two and retreat back downstairs. One night this past week, I went into my room at bedtime to discover absolutely no power in my room. Yet the rest of the house was fine. Kristi ventured to the circuit box - every switch was still on - nothing tripped. Only the Kitchen and basement switches are marked (go figure), so she experimented and fortunately found the one for my room. We have spoken to others about what has happened. We were assured that Mary Ann would have liked us and that we have nothing to be worried about. Kristi was spooked (pardon the pun) at first but has relaxed. I'm even more curious now.


Today (Sunday) Kristi is attending her first Pirate baseball game with her cousins. I do hope the forecasted rain holds off until the game is over. They have tickets right behind homeplate. As the game is televised here, I'll be "looking" for them.


Adjusting is still going well - Kristi saw a young fella at the party yesterday. Come to find out his dad's work supervisor is my Bro and that Tye is a football player. Kristi is looking forward to seeing him at future parties. This was a good perc after she encountered a few days ago a group of young ladies who will be at same High School. They were rude and obnoxious towards Kristi - so her belief system is that ALL the girls will be like this. I've comforted and assured till I'm blue in the face - she'll learn better on Aug 27th (first day of school).


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Glad all is going well . You can tell MaryAnn to cross over.. that it's ok to go.


I'm sure not all the girls are like the ones Kristi met and she will soon have her own group of friends to hang out with.


Kids can be so cruel to each other.


Yeah on the party and meeting people. :)

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Hi there,


I think I remember you mentioning ghosts in chat the other night. Hopefully yours are benign and are just waiting to cross over when the time is proper. Tell your daughter to try to meet aquaintenaces that are involved in church or fraternal organizations. Many of the young people there have their head on better.


Good luck to you both.



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donna, the pictures look great and what alot more room you have now. sounds like romance might be in the air for kristi ,huh. she will make more friends when school starts. as for maryann she will be company for you when kristi starts back to school and will watch over you. its great you are getting out more with your family and having fun. looks like things are going well for you both. i am so happy for you both. keep us posted on how things are going, they sound great so far.

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