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I just looked at my last blog - seems impossible that a month has passed. In that short time changes have occured, and it seems like we live such a simple life!


Trey has moved here and is with us. At one time I would have really, really dreaded it and it would not have worked at all. Now, though I'm ok. He has grown up so much. Still, he wants to do things his way, but he is a huge help. He wants to get his own apartment, and I certainly know he will, but for now he is with us until he gets a job. I'm really losing it, but I've even thought about ways he can bring Rusty here. No, he won't, because we don't have room for a Golden Retriever and our cat Roy would be most offended. Trey begins the paremedic program at Guilford Technical Community College the end of the month. He's completed his paramedic I so he's well into the program, but this will offer him his associates degree in addtion to the certifications. Hopefully this will inspire him to continue on beyond his AA, but we'll just take it as it comes!!


Bill's mediications issues have been resolved. He's taking Aricept again, and taking it before he goes to bed. It's a nice change since it is helping him rest and he isn't so sleepy throughout the entire morning. It's good. I decided we really do have to weigh the cost of getting Aricept through the drugstore and the quality of life issue - or receiving a medication through the VA and the reduced quality of life issue. Quality of Life wins out!


It's hot in North Carolina. 90's everyday, lots of humidity and draught. In just a few weeks we'll notice the temps and humidity begin to slip. We are blessed with very little snow, but we do get some rain and cooler temps. I'll be happy with the heat while we have it!!!


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Time flies when you're having fun or so "they" say lol. I'm glad things are going well with Trey being there - I'm sure your kitty would be most indignant if a D.O.G. came to his home. Crystal would be beside herself as well.


I wish Trey best of luck with his schooling. Many Many years ago (seems like in another lifetime now lol), I was an EMT/Paramedic here in Pennsylvania. I was affiliated with a volunteer ambulance service and absolutely loved it.


I'm so glad to hear too that Bill's medication issues are resolved. I agree with you Quality of Life is so much more important.

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Ann, I don't seem to have read your blogs for a while so just read back to catch up. I agree that time sometimes goes so fast that it can be a month gone by and I don't notice.


I hope things work out with having Trey there once the initial "honeymoon period" is over. Our Trev fits in well mostly but can sometimes have pretty high expectations of meals being ready when he wants them etc. Not that I get real worried by that but it can be an added tension sometimes. But he is also company on the days when Ray isn't speaking much so I guess I like the conversation and it is good to have someone taller to reach things down from the top shelf too...lol.


Ray's meds seem to be good and bad, good because the diabetes is under control and bad because Ray's mind is noticeably deteriorating. We had an incident tonight when not listening resulted in him breaking something and then I was accused of not telling him etc. Nasty when that happens as no-one is right! I guess two wrongs just make for unhappiness. Or that was the result for me anyway. I hope the Aricept continues to work for Bill and you have some happy days ahead.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I too hope Aricept continues to work for Ray. I've sure seen what it did for my dad when he was part of the trials.



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Thanks for your replies! I might add that Aricept alone does not do the job. It must be in concert with Namenda now. Bill surely does have his good days and bad days, and yes, I'd be fooling myself to say I don't see changes.


Since his last neuro appt didn't reveal any deterioration, the doctor was pretty well convinced that most of the damage was probably done during the strokes. It took awhile to really present itself and he will probably be stable, with times of deterioration then leveling off periods. Bill and Ray are really "stroke twins" in many respects.


I do find myself thinking about Trey and meal prep so I keep things around for him to pick up now. Our schedule is that with going to a 6 o'clock meeting we eat out real often after the meeting. That makes meal time even more of a challenge. Trey is real easy going though and if it's food he eats it!!


Today is his big day - he goes to register this morning! I'm real proud of him since he's gone through the financial aid thing all alone and done real well. I provide the info and let him and the financial aid people sort everything out!! I had the big adjustment when he came and lights were on into the wee hours, then he slept nearly all day. He knows now he'd best get up by noon and so he does go to bed a little earlier. He gets the hint real well!!!



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