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Moving Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well here it is almost moving day and I think we're ready :dribble: stuffs all over, boxed , and unboxed. We got the keys this morning and the mover isn't showing till 8:30AM Wed morning so we can move all our breakables by car before then. The cats know somethings up, they are loosing clumps of hair ( all over ).

God I'm stressed, wish this was all over so we could settle down again. Kath keeps saying that it's OK the move will happen with or without me ( not sure I like that ) :yikes:

One more day, the move, unpack alittle and then holidays, we're going to the states for three or so days, sister and hubby are looking after the cats. Hmmmm hot tubs, massage, shopping, looking at new cars my kind of holiday :)

The only thing I don't like is that I can't get proper travel insurance because I'm not two years post stroke, seems I have a underlying condition, go figure :)


Recommended Comments

Things will come together Stu and happen soon enough. I know you are excited and stressed at the same time. Hopefully you are not losing clumps of hair like the cats..LOL! Once your can breath and relax!Moving day is around the corner, you're almost there!

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Yes Stu, you're almost there. As stressful as moving is, it can be fun as well getting set up in a new place. Hope you and/or the cats don't go bald during the transition :Scratch-Head:


Also, enjoy your vacation - remember the purpose behind a vacation - eat yummy food (no calories are in vacation food lol :Starvin: ) and relax.

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Things will come together Stu and happen soon enough. I know you are excited and stressed at the same time. Hopefully you are not losing clumps of hair like the cats..LOL! Once your can breath and relax!Moving day is around the corner, you're almost there!


Mgod that's where it all went :)

But seriously here I sit Tuesday morning knowing there's a bunch to do and I'm just drinking my coffee ;)

I'll get to it in a bit, just some open boxes with stuff we needed that I have to close up, grab the two small bathroom boxes and go to the new place for a bit. Yes I'm kinda excited, but just want it over with might be a better analogy.

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