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Just chillin - literally!



Ok, another week has crept on by. Bro has had some tests done - results were negative - Doc is not done with him - she's very thorough.


We've had cooler weather move in. Highs no greater than 65 for last few days - lows in 40's. After 13 years of AZ heat, I am quite chilled. My affected side is a bugger to get warmed up as well. Even under a blanket, my hand (or pudgy as it was nicknamed by Kristi a long time ago) takes forever to warm up.

Temps are to rise each day this week to high of almost 80. Everyone will be complaining it's too hot - me??? I'll feel comfortable enough to not wear a sweatshirt.


NFL in full swing - this diehard Steeler fan is in her glory getting to see each game. I was even glued to the pre-season games. Living in AZ meant not seeing them that frequently...being gone 13 years equaled a lot of games missed. We're now 2-0; I await each game wearing the Black n Gold, Terrible Towel ready to swing. I heard this week on the news that females make up 34% of the Steeler fan base - highest ranking in the NFL. I'm proud to be one of them.


To all Kristi's Aunties, I'm pushing her to update her blog - honestly. She had time today while I was glued to the tv but she was busy on myspace taking surveys posted by friends. She has made some friends - one being Dillon, who just transferred in from another school. He plays the violin as well and is in her Chemistry class. Is there a romance brewing you ask? Don't believe so - she says he's a good friend. That's important right now.


Till next week, :cold:


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Yes you will have some adjusting to the chilly weather. You might keep your eye out.. they have little lap blankets that are low heat, electric, usually have a couple temperature settings. Sometimes I use a heating pad on low on my back when sitting in the chair, or i can flop it over my foot that tends to be cold.. even when other parts are hot..I have 2 rice packs i can microwave.. for the warmth but also feels good when my shoulder is acting up.Glad you are getting to see the games. John has been watching, .. and I am learning more football. Grandson is a defensive tackle this yr. freshman in high school.glad Kristi is making friends.. Have a good week... and best wishes for brother..

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i have the same problem in winter with affected side getting cold then the spasms start, I have also seen a robe type thing but the bottom is closed in kinda like a bunting, not for walking around though. I always used a blanket over my legs, glad kristi is settling in, and making friends. :Clap-Hands:

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Donna, just an idea for winter. A friend of mine who has had a stroke and feels the cold on her affected side has a thick shawl which she slips over her head and wears across one shoulder tied across her body. It looks quite smart and really keeps the affected side warm she says. She also wears one leg warmer, just on the affected side which you can't see under her slacks.


I'm glad you are finding things about your move that you really like, such as keeping up with the football. It makes such a difference if the setting feels comfortable and fits your needs.



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happy to c your update, kristi will b mad at you for telling us about her special friend. happy for both of u settling in so well in chilly eastcoast.




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I'm so glad to hear your Bro is doing well. Bros are important.


It sounds like Pittsburgh is the town that fits your mold; I'm so happy for you all. Take Care. LK

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hi there donna, happy to hear bro got a good report card. i bet it is chilly back there. you just need to get acclimated to it again, hopefully. i'll just keep telling you our heat stories out here to warm you up and vice versa to cool me down,lol. i'm glad kiddo is making friends, the newbies tend to flock together to get settled in. which is a good thing i think, for them to feel comfortable. i bet you are having a ball with your towel and football games. just don't get to excited and throw something hard at the tv,lol. stay warm and don't catch cold. i bet crystal will snuggle up with you more now, at least mine do when the blankets come out.

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yes mommy, dylan is just a friend. He's not my type I like a guy that likes to take things easy and not always be on the go. Plus, I really dont think U.J. would like him, I think it may be the mohawk!!!!!


I know I see you daily but you dont tell me everything so I like to read this...



Love you oodles :]]

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LOL! Well there's the answer on Kristi's friend everybody..lol! Glad things are going well Donna and Bro is being taken cared of. Wish him well. Get your football on Guuurrrlll!

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