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A New Start



To those who actually read my blog, my apologies for not being on lately. I just never seem to find the time to write about me....maybe thats why I never used my diary! So how are things going here? Well actually they are getting better. I'm officially registered as a sophomore (10th grade) and my teachers are pretty cool. I would have to say my favorite class is either english or civics. Now about the people.......Let's just say majority of them are rude and stuck on themselves. But, I have come to find those who are genuinely nice. There is this girl Daria and she is in my orchestra class. She is very nice and we sometimes talk. I met two guys, Chris and Dylan and they are in my chemistry class. ( to asha auntie no I do not like them like that). But I did meet a very cute guy and his name is Todd[[i think!]] WE are both the only sophomores in our civics class and yesterday we talked and joked around because on his way to school he fell in the mud. :lol: However, I think he has a girlfriend so that kinda stinks. But I have a theory I'm only 15 I do have at least another 50 years for some guy to like me!!!


Right now, I'm just exhausted and my back pain is excruciating. I guess walking about 2 miles to school, 4 flights up stairs all day, then walking back home can do that!! But I'm not complaining about the walking I actually enjoy it, just have my headphones on and clear my head. So hopefully I'll be posting more often that's my goal ;)


Good news really is my friend Elizabeth, from Arizona, may come up to Pittsburgh in October. We're just seeing about the prices and when I'm off school. I may have to miss a couple days (2) but it's worth it!!!!



I promise I'll be blogging more often!


Adios hasta pronto ( means bye see you soon!!)


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Now I don't have to nag at you for a while to blog. Your back pain could also be attributed to lugging that backpack around all day. If it wasn't for the steps and all the traffic on them, one of those ones on wheels would be a good solution. On the other hand, as you are as "ungraceful" as your Mom, that could be disastrous.


On the positive side, all that walking and stair climbing IS a great workout :kicking:

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hey Kristi:


so happy to see your update though you crashed my hopes about juicy story but hey I m willing to wait for 5-6 yrs to hear abt ur prince charming, I think you better wait for right one to come along and don't kiss any frogs b4 that. hey forget Todd(I think)it's his big loss, BTW can't u put few of ur books in locker such that u don't have to carry that all day long. I agree with mom abt ur walking, it will b ur forced exercise, which wil keep u slim & trim.


blog more often atleast v know how u r doing, u know how nosyashaauntie gets, if she doesn't hear from u then ur mom gets in trouble.




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Hey Kristi,


I know about long walks to and from school. Wait til it gets cold.........but whenI brought my glockenspiel home to practice, I's sometimes take a bus forthe main drag part of the walk. Wonder how I did it now.


The boys will come around, you'll see.


Hint to Mom LOL! Christmas is coming..............If Kristi was older, I'd say a car would be nice. LOL :roflmao:

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Glad to read the update. There are "snobs" everywhere.. you want to find the "nice" ones anyway. Besides if their noses are stuck to high, they will drown in the rain.. (or smother in the snow)lol.Well who knows with Todd.. he may turn into a good friend too.. Can you put some of your books in your locker, and switch out some on your lunch .. or between classes. The walking and stairs will do you a lot of good. Try to make sure your back back is balanced .. or use both straps, not just hanging off one shoulder. Hope the plans work out with Elizabeth. You should have pretty Fall colors to show your friend.. Take Care, Be Good, Study Hard..LOL

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kristi, its good to hear from you finally. we all have been waiting with baited breath to hear how things were going for you. the right boy will come along, girlfriends will always come and go in high school. if they are to snobbish, you didn;t want them as friends anyway. just concentrate on your studies for now and i hope elizabeth can come out to see you. that would be a fun time. i agree with the other ladies, don't carry so many books if you don't need to. or get a bag on wheels. hope to hear from you sooner next time.

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