World Series
The World Series starts tonight and I find it somewhat comforting to feel the same the same excitement I felt almost 48 years ago on a warm September day in 1959 at the Los Angles Coliseum. My grandmother lived in L.A. around the University of Southern California campus. I would spend my summers there as well as a week every spring. The Brooklyn Dodgers had moved from Brooklyn to Los Angles the year before and since I was and still are a rabid fan of the Dodgers it was as though a 10 year-old boys dream had come true. Because this was before the Dodgers played in Dodger Stadium, they moved there in the spring of 1962, they played their home games in the Coliseum, which built in 1932 for the Olympic Games. It was huge seating a little over 90,000, even after being remodeled for professional baseball. My grandmother knowing how much I loved baseball was one of the first in LA to purchase seasons tickets. If I were to win the lottery in today
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