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This is the WEEK!!!



Today I met with the nurse careplanner and the admissions social worker at the SNF. All is set for Bill's discharge. He will be released from therapy and he has no acute medical problems requiring him to stay at the facililty any longer. Originally it was my impression Bill would come home Wednesday. Today I learned he will be discharged Thursday. When I told him he'd come home Thursday, Bill certainly wasn't happy, but I explained PT needed to discharge him and everything was fine. I had to laugh at him though because I told him he would continue PT at home with a therapist coming to the home. Boy, did I ever get the look!!! I told him he wasn't coming home to go on vacation!!! He's doing so incredibly well. His gate is excellent (well in comparison!), his speed has improved and he is using his right hand and arm 100% more than he was before therapy. There is still a lot of neglect, but I've noticed that he actually seems to be using his right hand to hold things almost without thinking. (I think he probably does a lot more when I'm not there!!)It may be my imagination, but I do believe the added physical activity has also helped his mind. He certainly is able to process thoughts into words better.


I went shopping today.....my store of choice.....Target....very cool new quilt for the bed, pretty new towels and rugs for the bathroom.....I'm not too excited, am I? I've also got some work to do with meal planning because since I'm doing Weight Watchers now is the ideal time to get us all to eat better. No more beige meals. I heard that term on a program about some very morbidly obese individuals whose meals were referred to by a nutritionist as "beige". Now, when you think about it - beige is really a pretty boring color! It's also the color of meals full of carbs and fat! No token pickled beets for "color" for our meals!!


I do know there are changes. He's not been able to get back to using his cane yet. He is just too unstable. He's now using Depend undergarments all the time as a precautionary measure. These are the subtle differences but my heart is full of gratitude for the improvements Bill's been able to make. He is so very determined - my Eveready Bunny for sure!!!


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:friends: Just a hug to go on with. I know how busy you have been while Bill has been in the SNF. :cleaning: And I know you won't get a lot of thanks when you get home. :thankyou: so here are some roses for you.


You seem to have been visiting most days to keep Bill on track. That must be nearly as tiring as having him at home. So if I could I would come over and have a celebratory meal with you :Beer-Chug: because like most caregivers you are an:Angel: to do what you do.


So sit down and have a quiet dinner :Starvin: before you get to bring Bill home. You will feel tired when you take up the task again. :Zzzz:


See you in :chat:.



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2 days and countin' Dear-lady until your bunny is home with you, Hope you do take advantage of these last days to give yourself some special treatment while you're planning healthy non-beige meals.


It's good to hear Bill is making good progress. I hope he cooperates with the home-based PT.

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You Ann are also an EverReady Bunny...you take a licking and keep on ticking..no matter what comes your way. Your strength and your loving care of Bill is to be admired! You Go Girl!

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Oh Ann, you don't know my happiness for you. I had been so depressed when Bill had to go tot the SNF. He seemed so fine when you were here in Florida (yes, it was a while ago) I so feared that this was going to be his forever home............but miracles do happen and even the few mild changes aren't very bad ones.


So tomorrow is the day and know that someone here in Florida is going to be jumping for joy!



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ann, i am so excited for you and bill. you'll have your bill home for turkey day, so you have a great deal to be thankful for. i hope when he gets home and settled in, you both can start a new routine, and that bill continues to improve. i bet you enjoyed your shopping spree and everything looks real nice. don't tire yourself out to much hopping around like the bunny to keep going and going. god bless you both, be safe and well.

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